I honestly feel like this is great class and every week there are different topics to learn about in Asian cultures. I never get bored, knowing there is a different subject. Something I also appreciate Is, even though we don’t physically go in person to classes, Professor Munshi still makes us comment on each others posts so we get to know each other. It also forces us to read another persons post.I can’t really think of any songs that would connect to this class.
Category: Discussion Board 5
Nina Wentt DB 5
Honestly, this along with another one of my classes are my favorites. Not that I don’t look forward to my other classes but I especially enjoy this class for the whole duration. It’s really difficult (for me atleast) to find learning environment thats as inclusive as this one. By this I don’t just mean a professor respecting pronouns but taking the time to gather information about her students so she can reach each and everyone of them. A common trend with me is feeling anxious to fully express myself in class if I feel the environment is hostile so its really comforting being in this class and feeling like there is pupil support as well (so I thank my classmates for that as well). The discussions we have and ideas we exchange are going especially well in this class and I would like to owe that to Prof. Soniya, like wow finally a class where the professor is equally engaging. I don’t think there is anything that needs to be changed actually now that I think about it. With distance learning, there is only so much that can actually be changed (obviously I do miss in person class because it’s a separate experience but I would rather be safe then sorry). I found the question about choosing one song a bit difficult because there were two songs in particular I had in mind. For class, I would suggest one of my favorite songs from 2014 titled “July The Fourth” by Nothing. Considering this is an Asian-American class, I found this sound to be especially fitting since the song is a criticism of American morals and how we (as in America) attempts to clean our messes (say involvement in wars with other countries,) and uses it as a excuse to show our resilience. I immediately thought about migration/immigration of peoples from different asian countries who come here for a variety of reasons with a common intention to build a more stable life for their independence. I also thought about the Vietnam war, Japanese interment camps, and the trafficking of asian immigrants (from all asian countries). A great coincidence is the title is named after the United States (13 colonies) gaining their independence from Great Britain (it’s a great song ya’ll and a great band) yet went ahead and denied independence for other countries, groups of people they “conquered” “stole”. For those curious about the other song I had in mind, it’s from my favorite band Deftones and the song is “Genesis”. That song in particular discusses rebirth, choices you must make especially coming from difficult (even traumatic) experiences and how they affect your life in the long run and if it’s a life worth pursuing. Fitting also for the themes we have discussed so far (not sure how some of the classmates will like this since this song is heavier and this was the only other song I could think about with legible lyrics in contrast to the music I listen to (whoops, metal head things lol).
Ren Su DB#5
I think our course is going well. I hope that students can share more of their or their family’s experience. After all, everyone’s experience is different for immigrant families. In addition, I hope the professor can post more videos to help me understand the situation of Asian Americans at that time.
In addition, I don’t have song recommendations, and I am not very proficient in songs.
Jericho Faderon DB 5
1.) Despite our limited time, I must say the interaction between us and Professor Munshi is great and makes this class the most enjoyable one. As a matter of fact, out of all of my classes, this is by far the most I enjoy. Personally speaking, the work is not overwhelming and I don’t know how to explain it but when I go to this class, it feels like I’m really in the classroom. Professor Munshi has made this class very enjoyable thanks to her creating a welcoming environment I always enjoy coming into the class. Not much to say in regards to my classmates but reading their responses to the Discussion Boards, I really admire their well-thought-out responses. One thing I would like to change though is “No Breakout Rooms” since it’s usually awkward silence/pauses and I get everyone is shy so it creates an awkward tension that usually eats at me wondering if they’re judging my voice every time I speak.
2.) The song I would like to add to the class playlist for opening music is California by Berhana. It has zero ties to the class in general but as cliche as this sounds, I feel good when listening to it and maybe everyone else in the class will if they get a chance to listen to it or hear it upon walking to the class as the intro song. On the other hand, I would recommend Whole Wide World by Berhana. My reason being, the beat, and sound of the song, has a very closing theme sound to it that you’d probably hear played in songs used in the background of family sitcoms.
Sundas Ejaz DB 5
I also think this class is going good so far. I enjoyed the topics we’ve discussed and read/watched videos about. Overall I think this class is really interesting. I like our class discussions as well, and I like how it is structured, plus the breakout rooms are helpful sometimes. I don’t think anything has to be changed. I like how everything is structured already. And I don’t have any song recommendations either.
Jacob Goffstein DB5
This class has been going really well for me overall. I’ve definitely been learning a lot, and I appreciate the environment in which we’ve been learning. I like how its more of an open discussion based class and its not just a teacher just jamming as much information as possible down our throats. Its thought-provoking and engages in critical thinking. I think it’s especially cool how many people in the class have been able to share their own/their parents experience of immigration as it makes the class even more real and relatable. Being an open-discussion class, I only wish that we would be able to meet and discuss things in person.
I can’t really think of any songs that would be relevant to this class, but I’ve listened to some of the suggestions other people made and those have been pretty good.
Anaise Baez DB 5
I hope everyone in the class are doing well in all aspects of life. I really enjoy this class because of how easy everything is to understand. I don’t feel on the spot during zoom meeting but still feel engaged thanks to the teaching style and respective environment. I am extremely shy and haven’t really talked to any of my peers aside from the comments (so sorry about that peers). I also like the set up of using open lab and that the amount of work we have to do isn’t overbearing and actually enjoyable since it invokes more thought and perceptions rather than copying down facts. I also like that we are notified whenever anyone posts anything new because it helps me keep track of the assignments I did and their due dates. The one thing I would like to add is to put the grades up for the standing in class. I really enjoy the class and teaching style which makes the class easier to follow along with and be engaged.
At this current moment I do not really have a song that I would like to add since it’s hard for me to choose just one. Anything is fine with me such as instrumentals, songs in Asian languages and things like that.
Liz danielle Singson DB5 :)
Hi everyone! Firstly, I hope everyone is doing well both mentally and physically. So far, this class for me has answered so many questions I didn’t even know I had. Professor Munshi has made this class both enlightening and smooth sailing. Which personally, I am in favor for. The workload is not overwhelming but it is effective in drawing out questions that this class never fails to answer. The only thing I would really change is the class interaction although I am aware that some people are introverted and shy, I’d love to get to know my cohorts better. Also, I think placing announcements and grades on Blackboard would serve the students well in terms of seeing grade progression. Overall, this class is amazing, fun, light hearted and surprisingly quite educational. I like how we dig into more than just solid history but into human ideology and social constructions over time as well. As an Asian immigrant from the Philippines, it has been an awakening experience to learn all these things I had no idea off. It gives me different perspectives of the Social communities we are a part of and allows me to gain insight on my historic identity.
A song I think would work well for this class would be Tokyo Drift by Teriyaki Boyz. The song is upbeat, iconic and energetic. Or songs by either Don Toliver or Snoh Alegra. 🙂
Yvenson Moreau DB5
Hey guys, this class has been going good and easy, things with me could be better, and as for my classmates I hope that I can get in touch with some you guys( I’m in introvert and have anxieties, so that kinda suck), and Dr Munshi I like how understandable she is. I wouldn’t change anything at the moment and something that I really like and is really helpful is the fact that open lab send you notifications about the DBs and who made a post, it’s like a reminder that who have work that’s done.
One song that I would like to share is Childish Gambino- Feels like summer I don’t know everytime I listen to this song I sing along it’s really smooth and calm if you listen to it and I also heard that this song is about climate change.
Discussion Board #5
Hello everyone, I’d like to start off by stating this was one of the easiest classes for me to catch up on. Professor Munshi thank you for making everything so smooth. I enjoy the topic we discuss during our lectures and all the work we need to do is quite easy to find, unlike a lot of my other classes. This is class is much more organized and easier to follow along with. I support this openlab database 100%. I wish my other classes weren’t so all over the place. I really like how easy everything is to find. I also like how smooth the lectures for this class are. Professor finds a way for her students to be engaged but doesn’t really force us. The teaching style makes her students want to be engaged and involved. I took this class expecting it to be a challenge and was prepared to be stressing over assignments but there is no need to stress when you know what you have to get done and you have a decent amount of time to get it done.
A song that I believe to be a good fit for a class playlist is a song from Drake called “Outro” featuring Chilly Gonzales. This song has no lyrics to it and it’s literally like elevator music. I like it because it is a calm and soothing tone to just have on in the background as you’re doing homework or something that requires brain power. There’s no words to listen for and understand, just a nice piano tune. Personally I think it helps me focus better, it sets a mood for me when I’m ready to focus up on some school work that needs to get done.