Discussion Board #12: PROMPT

Post/Comment on Discussion Board #12

Post due Monday, November 23 by 12 Noon
Comments (2) due Monday, November 23 by 11:59 PM

Share a little about the three excerpts you selected:

  • Describe them to us, assuming that not everyone has read the excerpts you picked. What is the problem or issue at the core of this piece or resource?
  • Why did you pick these excerpts- what about them stood out to you?

Christal Yu DB# 12


“Racism that Bridges” by Kim Tran delves into the experience of As-Ams during COVID. Tran describes an experience familiar to me: watching the racism that has accompanied you your whole life suddenly seek to make itself known, like an annoying, rude hitchhiker just there for the ride who begins wailing at the top of their lungs, flinging themselves against the car door to be let out. This reminder that racism was never truly gone and that As-Ams are not fully American is at the core of Tran’s words. I resonated with the story she told, and found myself drawn to the title. Tran’s parting message reminds us, “We remember that racism can either be a bridge or a wall and it is up to us to build and travel across our difference toward liberation.” This metaphor, though unexpected, will certainly be a lasting memory for me.



“Paritition” by Fatima Asghar spoke to me with its melody of repetition and harsh exclusions. There is always something you are not, Asghar implies, there is always something that can be taken away from you. Whether its your identity, the chai you drink, your family, your religion, your language, your community. I loved Asghar’s use of repetition to drive home their point. I often use it myself when writing pieces of emotion and I have wondered whether it’s a… cop out, so to speak. If using repetition is a shortcut to creating emotion or building tension. I resonated with Asghar’s message, of being a stranger in your own country, home, and culture and found our similar writing styles to be validating.



“Community Care: A Worksheet” and “A Mutual Aid Note to your Neighbor” both stuck out to me from the get go due to the caring nature of the titles. I think its amazing when communities are able to band together and pool resources. The people truly do have the power to help each other and, as they say, it takes a village. Both worksheets are intended to circulate a community and find ways in which people can help each other in the practical sense, or connect to one another for social/morale purposes. If I had had the capacity, I would have loved to have done something similar for my own community or to help out with a similar effort.


Leo Lee DB#12

FrameWorks: In this part, I choose sex worker aid by tiffany diane tso. I choose it because it can let me know how’s sex workers’ situations and are they suffering right now? After I read this article, I understand they all lost their jobs because their jobs are required to make physical contacts. I really feel their despair and helplessness, they chose to work as sex workers that are because they don’t have choices, many of them are low education so they are very hard to find other jobs. Therefore if possible, we should definitely lend them a helping hand.

Stories: In this part, I choose tired of begin Asian by alice tsui. In her story, she tells us how Asian people treated differently by other people. She also let us know about her experience and how people treat her differently. I mean that is totally unfair, we can’t discriminate against somebody by their race and assume they have coronavirus. I know that’s not easy to change this phenomenon so I understand how tired she is.

Resources: I choose wash hands by Malaka Ghairib and Wanyu Zhang. We all know to wash hands is extremely important for now, it could help us to prevent getting coronavirus, but I don’t think everyone knows the correct way for washing hands. If we wish our hands in the wrong way, we could still be infected by the coronavirus that’s why I think read this article is necessary.

Danielle Singson DB#12


“Racism that Bridges” by Kim Tran described the many Asian immigrants who migrated to America in search of new life, opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness. These Asian immigrants were ostracized and marginalized by the white American society. Asian immigrants were physically and verbally degraded and alienated by American society. Asian immigrant groups were discriminated against heavily and would be singled out by their skin and distinctive eyes. I gravitated to this framework because as an Asian immigrant, I can relate to the struggle.


For Stories, I felt most intrigued of “Tired” by Alice Tsui. She details on how  the pandemic intensified negative feelings towards Asians. Asians are severely targeted and seen as walking diseases due to the Coronavirus. Tsui talks about how she grows tiresome of the polite indifference shown to her constantly. She explains how tired she is of defending herself against the unfair discrimination she is forced to experience. This excerpt stood out to me because I heavily related to it. I experienced this treatment as well when the pandemic started. I had people tell me I didn’t know how to speak English, as well as experienced being verbally attacked and I’ve seen people look at me in distaste and disgust.


The comic “Protect Yourself, Family & Friends From Getting Sick” by Malakais Ghairib was a fun, lighthearted collaboration of drawings and explanations of the different safety precautions taken for COVID-19. I think that this comic was easy to read and understand. I also feel like it was very informative and educational. In today’s climate it is important to spread awareness in a positive way.

Shehnila Mehreen DB 12

From the framework section, I chose the excerpt ‘Coronavirus and Yellow Peril’ by Amanda Yee. Amanda Yee is an activist and independent researcher who analyzes the mainstream media’s response to Ebola and ongoing pandemic, COVID-19 as part of the US age old desire for global dominance. The trusted Newspapers and media that we rely on to know the real truth has portrayed Africa as a ‘dark, diseased place’. It makes me think if it repeats the preconceived vision of the Western’s towards the Africans or not ! Now to talk about an article published by The New York Times, where the caption goes,‘This is where you get new and emerging diseases that the human population has never seen before’ points to nothing but eternal discriminatory attitude towards China. They are also demonstrated as diseased and cruel who eat anything that moves. This tactic of media to visualize them through their lenses leads to the US long history of discriminatory attitude towards the immigrants who were always considered to be lower class and diseased individuals. 

The second excerpt that I chose is ‘Tired of Being an Asian’ by Alice Tsui who is an Educator and Musician. In this excerpt she expresses her frustrations of being a Asian American at the start of COVID-19 outbreak in the US. She was absolutely disgusted by reading the news of racist attacks on Asian Americans and became the victim herself. She heard rumors of herself being affected with virus in her elementary school. She had to explain to her students that all the news coverage by the media isn’t true and all Asians aren’t carrying the virus.  Alice also explains how our education system in NYC has been disrupted due to the uprising cases of COVID. Moreover, she wants to change the perception of mass people on Asian community. To make her desire come true she urges the assistance of people of all races. I decided to give this article a read as I myself witnessed such discrimination on subway and felt bad for the victim. 

The third excerpt that I chose is ‘Breathe’ by Salonee Bahman. In this excerpt she introduces us to four different methods of breathing exercises and meditation. To start off any meditation or exercise it is important to sit or lay in a comfortable position. It might be sitting cross legged or hips above our knees or laying on our back etc. I personally do the third exercise, alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) when I am anxious. It helps me a lot. To begin, gently press the right nostril closed with your thumb and inhale through left nostril on the count of 4, release your thumb ( keeping left nostril closed) and exhale through right nostril on the count of 6. Now switch sides and repeat the process. Another meditation that we all can try on before going to sleep is sleep meditation. I believe it will definitely release the stress that was built throughout our day and help us to sleep better.

Jericho Faderon DB12

For Frameworks, I chose to PROTECT CAREGIVERS by Ai-jen Poo & NDWA. This post goes in-depth with how caregivers are constantly put down and looked at as less compared to other healthcare workers despite being in the same field and putting themselves in danger, health-wise in order to take care of other people. I chose this since it is a common issue that is portrayed in movies, based on real events, that Asian caretakers are usually taken advantage of and usually mistreated in horrible ways.

For Stories, I chose “Tired” by Alice Tsui. This post shows how she feels ever since the coronavirus started and how the media has portrayed this while disregarding the prejudices that Asians have gone through since this pandemic started. Just like Alice, I’ve seen multiple posts on social media regarding discrimination towards Asians ever since the pandemic started and ever since then, I’ve always felt anxious and nervous whenever my parents leave to do simple tasks out of fear that they’ll be discriminated towards. I picked this issue since I’m Asian and ever since this year started, one of the main focuses has been on Asians but not in a good light and seeing other’s stories of how they’re affected, they usually give a piece of advice to calm yourself and deal with these issues which are very helpful.

For Resources, I chose media coverage recommendations. This post talks about how media coverage of the pandemic has inadvertently led to increased racism and xenophobia towards Asians in general. This is the point as to why I feel anxious and nervous whenever my parents leave the home. Especially with news outlets like Fox News who blatantly call the Coronavirus “China Virus” which leads to influence their already racist base and viewers. I chose this since it is interesting to see how the media shows stories and the outcome of their telling since they can reach millions of people in the world.

Sundas Ejaz – DB 12

Frameworks: I chose “White Doctor” by Alison Roh Park. This talks about the narrators loved one who is at a hospital and has a white doctor. From my perspective of this poem, the narrators family had always relied on ancient remedies to cure illnesses, but in the western world, they often disregard such remedies and call them nonsense. For that reason the doctors would rather make you rely on their expensive western medicine than you use affordable ancient remedies. I picked this poem because it reminded me of my own family and how we too often use ancient remedies for various illnesses. But like the narrators lived one, there are times when we have to use western mediation, even if it’s expensive.

Stories: I choose “POV From the Frontlines” by Charezka Renordio. This story talks about how a sick nurse had wanted to go to the doctor because she was sick but couldn’t since the staff was running out of safety equipment due to non health professionals hoarding them. People often forget that health professionals aren’t immune to diseases, and since they are the ones working on the frontlines during this pandemic, they need health supplies and equipment more than anyone. I think it’s very unfair for people to hoard an insane amount of these equipments like masks for themselves, and let the elderly and health professionals be prone to sickness.

Resources: I chose the comic “Protect Yourself, Family & Friends From Getting Sick” by Malaka Ghairib. It shows drawings and explanations of different ways you can take safety precautions during the COVID pandemic. I thought this comic was cute and informative which is why I chose it. I also like how there is a translation in another language provided as well.

Sex workers aid

This excerpt talks about how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting sex workers. It mentions how we can help support Asian migrant sex workers by doing things like and contacting our local leaders. I chose this excerpt because I thought it is important to address how sex workers are treated in today’s society. I feel like the movement to grant them equal working protection and representation does not gain traction because of a 1950s mentality that stigmatizes sex workers and other non-conforming groups pf people.

Ten of wands

This except talks about the current state of the world. That the world and humanity are threatened but capitalism will not make a move until the economy is truly at risk. This really stood out to me because it reminds me of how meritocratic and ignorant to humanity and human suffering our society is; the way we constructed, how it treats us and how we treat each other through it.


This excerpt is more of a resource. It gives a brief step by step guide of what appears to be different kinds of meditative breathing techniques for mindful meditation. I chose this resource because I have been meaning to learn more about different techniques of meditating lately.

Anaise Baez DB 12

In the framework department I chose the excerpt “Language Justice Platform” by Shahana Hanif. She describes the fact that about 50% of immigrants are not English speakers and because they can’t speak English are given the same accessibilities. Agencies should provide language accessibility to everyone, not just English speakers because it makes it harder for immigrants to get the same basic needs these agencies provide like housing or healthcare. Her approach to this to hire more diverse translators for all demographics but not just in services like housing but schools as well. She also suggests using a citywide strategy in case of an emergency. The excerpt I chose for the story department was “Tired Of Being Asian” by Alice Tsui. She explains that as an Asian American educator she has to continuously deal with racist comments from her students even if they do not realize it and also from their peers and fellow educators. She also has to deal with racist slurs and gestures from people in society such as degrading her for being Asian, moving away from her, etc. This was mainly increased due to the pandemic that is currently going on. She explains that she tries to drown it out but she is exhausted mentally and that Asian Americans shouldn’t have to deal with this when they are people too. The final excerpt I chose from the Resources department is called “Half-Assed Disabled Prepper Tips” by Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha. In this she explains that she has to use the skills she acquired to survive. She has a weak immune system and she already learned from a young age how to make due with what she had to survive. How to make her own medicine because the community she grew up couldn’t afford, stealing food necessary for her body to function. Also having to worry about her community because the government had left them to be on their own. They learned how to plan ahead because they know whatever was available to them is extremely limited as well as look out for themselves and their community because no one else would. She mainly talks about the minorities within this excerpt.

Kahli Hodzic DB12

For Frameworks I chose “Racism that Bridges” by Kim Tran, many Asian Americans who came to America, many of them were alienated by the white American people who first came here, physically and verbally they were belittled and treated like a disease, not just adults, children were bullied and ignored too, which is unforgivable, referred to as yellow skin and narrow eyed people. I chose this one because it is important for people to learn that it is not okay to judge someone based on their looks

For Stories I chose “Retired Education in Boston” by Jean Y. Wu, in this passage she talk about how she was walking home and a young white dude in a car and shouted at her virus bitch and chink bitch. Asian people of all ages, genders and sexualities everywhere are being attacked with fists and words because of covid. Being blamed for the pandemic that has hit the entire earth. I chose this passage because people need to know what is happening to Asians, no one gets a free pass to be an asshole just because you are scared

For Resources I chose “Mutual Aid Kit” by Mon Mohapatra, in this passage her mother is falls on the sidewalk and is injured and a neighbor helps her, at the hospital the another patient was angry that her mother was there and called her a dirty chink, the doctor they saw who was chinese said that the racist patient did not want to see him because he is chinese, the woman was grateful to the neighbor for helping her mother. I picked this story because there are a lot of ignorant people who only want white doctors and not asian, black, hispanic, middle eastern of jewish, I even read a story of a woman who wanted her son to see a white doctor instead of a black one and so many people yelled at her. Piece of trash people like that are

DB 12

Framework-I chose “protect caregivers” by ai-jen poo.Many Americans rely on caregivers to look after there loved ones.As covid 19 spread, many front line workers were under a lot of stress.These workers should be provided with masks and other safety equipment, rather than having to worry about where they will get them.I know that because of the virus hitting, there were lack of materials being found.There were always a shortage of kn 95 masks for health care professionals.

Stories-I choose “POV from the frontlines” by Charezka Renordio. It explains that when people are greedy in society, many health care workers were out of supplies needed to keep them and the patients safe. They were running out of hand sanitizers and gloves. They had to go to work everyday until they showed any type of symptom. They had to go back to there families regardless. Many professionals did not feel safe after they realized that nurses and doctors also contracted the virus.

Sources-I chose ‘wash you hands’ by Malaka Ghairib and Wanyu Zhang.It explains to wash our hands after using the bathroom or being in a public place for atleast 30 seconds with soap and water. It also explains to sneeze in your elbows to prevent germs from getting on to your hands. Lastly it explains to avoid touching your face. It is important that everyone follow these rules because, not everyone does.