Leo Lee DB#5

I really like the professor for this class, she is very patient and considerate. When I forgot to do the discussion board questions, she sent me an email to remind me. Also when I submitted the assignment late, she still gave me the chance to make it up, I appreciate it. I always think if this class isn’t an online course, it will gonna be awesome, I will have more chances to talk to the professor and my classmate, I mean most likely I will make some friends. I really don’t like distance learning, I don’t even see some people’s faces. You know, some people never turn their cameras on for the whole semester, it really just gives you the feeling that person never exists.

I don’t know which song should I recommend, I rarely listen to English songs. But I usually listen to some songs that can inspire me to walk further, give me positive energy.

Leo Lee DB#4

Race is a social construction means our society usually divide people into the difficult group by their race/skin color, I saw a video on youtube, two girls have the same parents, but their skin colors are totally different, one girl is white and another girl is black. So when people saw them, they usually thought they are just friends, nobody believed that they are siblings. I think that is ridiculous, we shouldn’t judge people by their skin colors. I mean no matter what race or skin color of a person, we should try everyone equally. Just change the point of view, if someone treats you very badly and just because of your skin, will you happy about it?

Whenever I saw people discriminate against someone by their skin color, I will feel angry and become emotional, it makes me have an impulse to try to help that person out.

Leo Lee DB#13

In Phi’s point, he tries to unit people to stand for justice, he mentioned how the undercover officer duy ngo treated unfairly by his coworker, he shot by his coworker. Eventually, Ngo suicide in 2010. Phi tries to use this case to remind us to unite together and prevent such things to happen again.

In kate zen’s article “Chinese conversation”. I learned if we suffer unfair things, we should stand out and speak for ourselves and make some protests to let the world knows everyone is equal, no one deserves to treat unfairly. Uniting everyone together and making a protest is very matter, it’s the way to get the world’s attention and expressing our feelings. This article is kinda like Phi’s point, they both are trying to seek justice and united people together to refuse to be treated unfairly.

Yeah, I think this letter meets its goal, because it catches our attention successful, and because of it, we know in our country, there is still a lot of black people killed by white police office unreasonably. We should have the courage to stand out for those innocent lives, otherwise, this phenomenon will be getting worse in the future.

Leo Lee DB#12

FrameWorks: In this part, I choose sex worker aid by tiffany diane tso. I choose it because it can let me know how’s sex workers’ situations and are they suffering right now? After I read this article, I understand they all lost their jobs because their jobs are required to make physical contacts. I really feel their despair and helplessness, they chose to work as sex workers that are because they don’t have choices, many of them are low education so they are very hard to find other jobs. Therefore if possible, we should definitely lend them a helping hand.

Stories: In this part, I choose tired of begin Asian by alice tsui. In her story, she tells us how Asian people treated differently by other people. She also let us know about her experience and how people treat her differently. I mean that is totally unfair, we can’t discriminate against somebody by their race and assume they have coronavirus. I know that’s not easy to change this phenomenon so I understand how tired she is.

Resources: I choose wash hands by Malaka Ghairib and Wanyu Zhang. We all know to wash hands is extremely important for now, it could help us to prevent getting coronavirus, but I don’t think everyone knows the correct way for washing hands. If we wish our hands in the wrong way, we could still be infected by the coronavirus that’s why I think read this article is necessary.

Leo Lee DB#8

The model minority myth is based on stereotypes. Many Asian parents are training their kids to work very hard and try to push them to spend more time on studies. Asian parents are hoping their kids are better than everyone. Asian parents usually choose a path for their kids, they will tell their kids to learn something that they wish them to learn so many Asian kids don’t even have the freedom to choose their desired careers. But it’s completely different from white parents, white parents will let their kids learn everything that they want to learn and they don’t force their kids to do anything, they give their kids more freedom than Asian parents.

Leo Lee DB#7

What I learned from the reading and the film is that if you want to become a citizen of that country, you must live there or work there for many years, but there still has some exception like if your couple came from that country, you could become a citizen for that country immediately. For example, if you want to become a US citizen, you need to live in the us for 5 years or more, but if you got married to a US citizen for over 3 years, you could still become a US citizen. But for some countries, you can never become a citizen of that country. For example, China is not accepting any foreigner to become a Chinese citizen, no matter how long they live there, they can only get to live in China but not as a citizen.

Citizenship means to me is you become a part of the country, you will feel very comfortable to live there, you will also feel a sense of belonging. People who born in us or becoming US citizens are considering a part of the US. They belong to this country because they build a family and having friends and jobs in this country.

Leo Lee DB 6

Many Chinese migrants suffered unfair treatment and discrimination from the past and now. Other races of people might think Chinese are the lower-level race because many years ago a lot of Chinese were migrants here for doing some low salary and difficult jobs. Because of that, they gave Chinese migrants many restrictions like some jobs didn’t hire Chinese or gave very low salary to Chinese. Besides that, some black people are also bully Chinese very often. Right now even this stituation is getting improve, but we can still see some black people bully Chinese migrants on the newspaper.

Due to Chinese migrants suffered unfair treatment and discrimination, some Chinese initiated many protests. They tried to catch our community’s attention and let the world knows people should treat Chinese as the same as other races.

I only reviewed some of the materials, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable. I know if we are seeking the truth, then we have to face the past and reviews those histories.

Leo Lee DB #3

I think people migrated here for many different reasons. I also heard some reasons from a lot of people that why they decided to move to the united states. They told me the united states has more opportunities than their counties and their kids will have a brighter future. Their kids can have quality education and saving money for education. Normally In China, you need to pay tuition fees for high school and college but here both are free, you don’t have to worry if you can afford the tuition or not, the government always got your back.

They also told me that when their kids graduate from colleges, their kids will find a higher salary job than their countries and make more money. I understand why they think this way, I clearly know Chinese companies usually won’t pay that much money for their employees, like some jobs in china only 300 dollars a month. But here, even if you only work for a week, you will get more than 300 dollars.

Poverty is another reason why people move here. I watched some tv programs that showed in some countries, people didn’t even have enough foods for eating which made them extremely tinny because they didn’t have enough nutrition that they supposed to have. Once they moved here, they could apply food stamps or other government supports.

Those reasons for why people migrate here are very close to the theory that Yang puts forth. I don’t really see any difference with that. I think people move from one place to another place, it must be that place can offer more opportunities and can help them to improve their life.

Leo Lee’s personal Introduction

Hello! Everyone, my name is Leo Lee, LL is my nickname so you can simply call me LL.  I live in sunset Brooklyn for 15 years, I moved here since 2005. My native language is Cantonese but I will put my effort into learning English. I think the key to learning a new language is to keep communicating with other people and don’t be afraid if you say something wrong. My favorite colors are blue and purple, I think blue is the color of freedom and purple is the color of romanic, these two things are what I seek for.

Everyone has their own habit, I am not an exception. My habit is collecting cell phones, I have 17 cell phones at home and some cell phones are brand new, never opened.

I really don’t like online course, I feel it is very hard to make new friends. Especially you can’t go somewhere with your classmates after the course is done. Hopefully, we can return to regular in person course as soon as possible.

This is all my introduction about, I feel glad to meet every one of you.