Thuc Thao Tran DB#3

Some of the common explanations I have heard about the reason people immigrate to the United States are because their family already lived in the US, they immigrated to the US with their family. The second reason is also quite popular is that they like the US, they want to be in a developed country in all aspects like America. And the next most heard reason is that they want a better future. More than that, maybe their life was not going well. They have no freedom and voice so they want to go to a place like America. Let them have their own freedom! Compared to what Yang mentioned, I feel very good and it is true that outbound migration shows the difference in wages between countries “….Moreover, it also stresses that international migration seeks to improve not only absolute income but income relative to other households”. And part of this text makes me feel the effect of migration “A new theory of Asian immigration, which may be labeled “multilevel causation theory,” proposed in this article argues that in order for Asia immigration to occur, there must be three clusters of factors: economic, political, social, and/or environmental disparities between Asian sending countries and the United States; economic, political, military, and/or cultural linkages between the sending and receiving countries, and social networks of potential migrants as well as their families and communities in the places of origin and destination; and U.S. immigration policy and emigration policies of Asian countries. Moreover, these factors affect Asian immigration cumulatively and interactively at different levels.” Page 28


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