Kahli Hodzic BD INTRO

Hi my name is Kahli Hodzic, I was borned and raised in brooklyn ny, I am black, white and asian, i am a theatre major, my dream is to become a famous actor, i enjoy photography, muay thai, parks, hanging with my family, i am socially awkward but I am doing my best to get out there in the world, i wish to travel once all countries are open again, I look forward to getting to know you all

3 thoughts on “Kahli Hodzic BD INTRO”

  1. Hey Kahli, that is great to hear. I also enjoy taking photographs, but I ended up choosing another path for myself, which is Interior Design. That field more resonated with me and my personality. My advice for you is to be as confident as you possibly can especially in a field of theatre or acting. Don’t let being socially awkward hold you back.

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