DB 13 Salena Yakatally

Phi’s article shined light on the very common topic of police brutality, he describes how the Asian American’s feel towards this topic and shows the extents some officers go to in order to prove their loyalty to the force. He points out the fact that even though many Asian Americans has experienced police brutality  because of simple reasons like they can’t speak english, a lot of them support the law enforcement. Phi’s goal is to try to get everyone to stand together and fight for justice. He feels that Asian officers are left with no other choice than to try to fit in and side with others In this case he mentions how officer Duy Ngo wasn’t treated fairly, Duy felt betrayed and shocked when he found that the same police force he dedicated his loyalty to turned on their backs on him. This goes to show how privileged white officers are. The white officer who shot was was put on paid leave and had no charges against him.

“Chinese Conservatism” to me is what the Asian Americans values are. For example, a lot of Asian American parents main goal for their children is for them to be successful in life. I feel both zen and phi’s message is for our commucnites to come together and fight racism and police brutality. Both are trying to get a message across which can be simply put into one category, “equal rights and being treated fairly.”

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