In Phi’s point, he tries to unit people to stand for justice, he mentioned how the undercover officer duy ngo treated unfairly by his coworker, he shot by his coworker. Eventually, Ngo suicide in 2010. Phi tries to use this case to remind us to unite together and prevent such things to happen again.
In kate zen’s article “Chinese conversation”. I learned if we suffer unfair things, we should stand out and speak for ourselves and make some protests to let the world knows everyone is equal, no one deserves to treat unfairly. Uniting everyone together and making a protest is very matter, it’s the way to get the world’s attention and expressing our feelings. This article is kinda like Phi’s point, they both are trying to seek justice and united people together to refuse to be treated unfairly.
Yeah, I think this letter meets its goal, because it catches our attention successful, and because of it, we know in our country, there is still a lot of black people killed by white police office unreasonably. We should have the courage to stand out for those innocent lives, otherwise, this phenomenon will be getting worse in the future.
Yes Leo, you make a great point. Both Phi and Zen made these pieces to target unity. If we all are treated equally and fairly especially in the criminal justice system, things would be better. The continuous comparison between Asian Americans and Black communities shouldn’t exist because everyone is one.