FrameWorks: In this part, I choose sex worker aid by tiffany diane tso. I choose it because it can let me know how’s sex workers’ situations and are they suffering right now? After I read this article, I understand they all lost their jobs because their jobs are required to make physical contacts. I really feel their despair and helplessness, they chose to work as sex workers that are because they don’t have choices, many of them are low education so they are very hard to find other jobs. Therefore if possible, we should definitely lend them a helping hand.
Stories: In this part, I choose tired of begin Asian by alice tsui. In her story, she tells us how Asian people treated differently by other people. She also let us know about her experience and how people treat her differently. I mean that is totally unfair, we can’t discriminate against somebody by their race and assume they have coronavirus. I know that’s not easy to change this phenomenon so I understand how tired she is.
Resources: I choose wash hands by Malaka Ghairib and Wanyu Zhang. We all know to wash hands is extremely important for now, it could help us to prevent getting coronavirus, but I don’t think everyone knows the correct way for washing hands. If we wish our hands in the wrong way, we could still be infected by the coronavirus that’s why I think read this article is necessary.
Hi Leo!!
I really agree with everything you’ve written. There is a lot of misinformation and prejudice against sex workers and I think its great that you chose to read Tiffany Diane Tso’s piece to learn more about this unfamiliar topic. I wish more people shared this sentiment! It’s really wild to think about how immigrant women facing language barriers must toil in America and are then demonized by the country they sought out to be home for simply trying to survive. Sex work is still work! And people deserve dignity and respect for making their own decisions and trying to support themselves.
I think we can both really relate to the exhaustion that comes from constantly struggling under the weight of racism. Especially with COVID’s xenophobia, Asian-Americans have definitely felt this burden show up in our lives all over: from media, to WeChats, to convos w neighbors/family/friends. Wishing you well amongst all this, it’s been cool having you in class this semester!!