Garey Santano DB 13

Phi’s point is that conforming to the model minority and essentially identifying with tone’s oppressors doesn’t grant them immunity to discrimination and violence. They will always be the immigrant, the other. The goal of his article is to call out the racism against black people that is present in the Asian American community and bring to their attention that they need to work together to bring lasting change. That police brutality does not care where your loyalty lies, racists cops will shoot the first chance they get.

I learned how anti CCP Chinese Americans can become right wing conservatives. This actually something I have been wondering about for some time now. The way Zen explains it makes sense and confirmed a theory I had that living in a communist country would encourage an immigrant to cling to what is popularized as (for lack of a better phrase) the “democratic American way.” The idea of what America should be as often described by older conservative WASP politicians and their constituents. In Phi’s article, the author talks about police brutality and how a shocking number of Chinese Americans supported a racist murderer cop. In Zen’s article, the author talks about how some Chinese are led to believe they are being targeted by Black people and that police presence would make them safer. The relation is that they are attempting to choose the side of the oppressor in hopes that the law will protect them if the assimilate enough and conform to “whiteness.”

The letter’s goal is to appeal to an older generations sense of compassion in hopes to open their eyes to pain and suffering they are causing or contributing or perpetuating. I don’t think the message reached all of them yet, because people are still being discriminated against. This is something that will take a long time to reconcile. But if we keep speaking out and standing up for marginalized groups we will be heard, even if it takes more than one generation.

2 thoughts on “Garey Santano DB 13”

  1. Hi Garey,
    The CCP fact actually brought many things into perspective to me as well as I always was curious about this. Especially with everything that has been unfolding in Hong Kong recently with their own protest I often wondered how they became right-winged. It’s all making sense right now. Thank you for bringing that up!

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