Kahli Hodzic DB13

According to Bao Phi, it seems that the asian american community supports cops, as long as they do not attack their own kind. Siding with cops who kill innocent black people is basically siding with certain racist white people, who are also like the Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacist, Neo-Nazis, Anti-Semitics and Skinheads. Asians only hate the police if they shoot another asian, they do not care about other races, What’s messed up is the two asian cops who were shot, were being victim blamed, as they are no better than any other race besides white, it’s convenient and hypocritical. I think Phi wants to teach us is that we should support other communities who are targeted by police as well, and not support someone who will turn on you in a second, or at least put on a facade.

According to Kate Zen’s article, what I learned about Chinese conservatism, is that it seems like white conservatism, defending someone who is wrong, and only acting when it is in your favor. Chinese people seemed angry when on of their own was attacked by a black man, and because of that experience they feel they need police protection from all black folks, asians are the least discriminated against among anyone that is not a white person or what is properly deemed white. It’s very similar to Phi’s, seems shameless

The goal of the letter is to make everyone realize that we need to support black people, they are killed by cops like it’s an everyday exercise. Everyone should be an advocate for BLM

6 thoughts on “Kahli Hodzic DB13”

  1. You make some valid points Kahli. Honestly communities that experience injustice should stick together rather than turning on each other. Also it shouldn’t matter if it’s in a certain community or not everyone should help each other to fight this off.

  2. Hi Kahli,
    I agree with your discussion and point of view. If we change sides by seeing only our good then we are just being selfish and not really caring about other fellow community members. We should not forget that every community matters and stand for each other to maintain a peaceful society.

  3. YES! I don’t see why people are so against BLM. BLM is a peaceful organization, their leaders promote peace and justice. Usually when violence incites in a rally, It is done without the blessing of BLM leaders and true protesters. Equality of the sexes and races should not be a question.

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