DB 12

Framework-I chose “protect caregivers” by ai-jen poo.Many Americans rely on caregivers to look after there loved ones.As covid 19 spread, many front line workers were under a lot of stress.These workers should be provided with masks and other safety equipment, rather than having to worry about where they will get them.I know that because of the virus hitting, there were lack of materials being found.There were always a shortage of kn 95 masks for health care professionals.

Stories-I choose “POV from the frontlines” by Charezka Renordio. It explains that when people are greedy in society, many health care workers were out of supplies needed to keep them and the patients safe. They were running out of hand sanitizers and gloves. They had to go to work everyday until they showed any type of symptom. They had to go back to there families regardless. Many professionals did not feel safe after they realized that nurses and doctors also contracted the virus.

Sources-I chose ‘wash you hands’ by Malaka Ghairib and Wanyu Zhang.It explains to wash our hands after using the bathroom or being in a public place for atleast 30 seconds with soap and water. It also explains to sneeze in your elbows to prevent germs from getting on to your hands. Lastly it explains to avoid touching your face. It is important that everyone follow these rules because, not everyone does.

4 thoughts on “DB 12”

  1. Your explanations of the excerpts were honestly very clear Jasmeen. It is true that many people can get greedy because they are scared but there are also people who don’t do these things until something like this happens. We should be practicing how to keep ourselves and others safe through simple practices such as washing your hands. It shouldn’t take a pandemic to happen for this be realized though.

    1. I agree with your reply on how people were really greedy during this pandemic. Health professionals and older people needed supplies the most but people were hoarding up everything for themselves. And it’s sad that people don’t realize how hoarding is so unnecessary and that simple precautions such as washing your hands properly, quarantining, and wearing masks is good enough to keep you and your loved ones safe.

  2. Washing your hands is so important. I was shocked everyday by the amount of people I saw leaving the bathroom without washing their hands even in campus before the pandemic. I remember somewhere I found a article where this elementary school teacher had her students touch bread and left it in a zip lock to demonstrate the differing levels of effectiveness of hand cleaning methods. Naturally the bread touched by hands washed with soap and water rotted the least

  3. I read that wash hands article too. I really learned a lot from this article, it just very helpful, we can learn the correct way to wash hands from the article.

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