In the framework department I chose the excerpt “Language Justice Platform” by Shahana Hanif. She describes the fact that about 50% of immigrants are not English speakers and because they can’t speak English are given the same accessibilities. Agencies should provide language accessibility to everyone, not just English speakers because it makes it harder for immigrants to get the same basic needs these agencies provide like housing or healthcare. Her approach to this to hire more diverse translators for all demographics but not just in services like housing but schools as well. She also suggests using a citywide strategy in case of an emergency. The excerpt I chose for the story department was “Tired Of Being Asian” by Alice Tsui. She explains that as an Asian American educator she has to continuously deal with racist comments from her students even if they do not realize it and also from their peers and fellow educators. She also has to deal with racist slurs and gestures from people in society such as degrading her for being Asian, moving away from her, etc. This was mainly increased due to the pandemic that is currently going on. She explains that she tries to drown it out but she is exhausted mentally and that Asian Americans shouldn’t have to deal with this when they are people too. The final excerpt I chose from the Resources department is called “Half-Assed Disabled Prepper Tips” by Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha. In this she explains that she has to use the skills she acquired to survive. She has a weak immune system and she already learned from a young age how to make due with what she had to survive. How to make her own medicine because the community she grew up couldn’t afford, stealing food necessary for her body to function. Also having to worry about her community because the government had left them to be on their own. They learned how to plan ahead because they know whatever was available to them is extremely limited as well as look out for themselves and their community because no one else would. She mainly talks about the minorities within this excerpt.