In America you need to be White/European/Caucasian to meet the Criteria for citizenship. You had to be a certain type of white, as in the right skin color of white, as Irish are seen as too pale and Italian and Greeks are too tan. White people from other countries such as Argentina, Egypt, Lebanon were seen as different. White people, mainly the rich, straight, powerful, heteronormative cisgender men and trophy wives feel they are entitled and self-righteous. It has always been this way which is melancholy and infuriating that certain white people are seen as they real citizens. Asians and all other races are still being bashed for where they come from, and how they look, speak, dress, practice. Even if they assimilate the still won’t fit in. No one should have to change who they are for another group of people. Most americans are racist and xenophobic because they are taught to hate and still do so, only a few see how wrong it is. You would also be discriminated for more if say your religion, physical appearance, able bodied, weight, facial features and skin. Even you mentally. The more different you are the more cruelly you are ridiculed. Many Japanese people are referred to as Japs. They were thrown into camps. They had to do as the white man told or they would go to jail for 20 years. They had to live their life to the white man’s accord. It’s sickening.
Citizenship today, American is suppose to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, some people have rights but are still treated oddly. Immigrants are being told go back to your country. Hispanics detained and deported by ICE. Black people being shot by police. Asians being blamed for the pandemic. Muslims being accused of terrorism. No one is made to feel belonged here unless you are Eastern European white. French, German, English, even though white people discriminate against each other too, saying who has the best origins. Americans are suppose to feel like they can do anything in this world. But our corrupt and idiotic government and leaders want in to be like the 1960s here. These self proclaimed pioneers, wanting everyone to follow their words and actions. Having no shame for the harm they bring on other people, mainly the less fortunate. I feel welcome but ashamed of our country. I sometimes can’t go place without people looking at me like a gangster or criminal. I watched something about a gay filipino male lawyer in San Fran, who wrote BLM on his property only for two white people to come up to his face, telling him it’s not his and not to write that. The man had many cop and fireman friends who came to arrest, reprimand and mortify the racist, homophobic morons. This country should not be this way, I can’t blame people for hating America
Hi Kahli,
Thank you so much for you candor on this. It’s so difficult to be patriotic in a country who does stuff like this like clock work for as long as it’s been. country. Great response!