Ren Su DB#6

1. The main reason why American society excludes Chinese immigrants from living in the United States is restricted to enjoy normal citizenship rights because of American racial discrimination. Because Americans feel that they cannot convert Chinese into real Americans, because their skin color and culture are different, in fact, even if Asians obtain citizenship in the United States, they are considered second-class citizens.

2. The Chinese community strongly disagrees with this. They feel that it is very unfair, because schools and other places have prejudice against the Chinese, but they still need to pay taxes and other obligations like Americans. But they can’t get the same treatment. Their solution was to petition the government for a segregation bill prohibiting Chinese children from attending public schools.

3. These events have a very serious impact on the current society. It can be said that why there is racial discrimination in society now can be said to be caused by these incidents. Asian Americans are disadvantaged groups. On Coronavirus, we can see how serious the American society’s prejudice against the Chinese people. Even today’s American President still calls it “Chinese Virus” or “China Virus” in his speeches even when the United Nations has named the virus as Coronavirus. It is conceivable that racial discrimination has never been erased in the American dictionary.

4. After reading this week’s material, I feel very ridiculous. Because racial discrimination has always existed in the United States, some Americans call the United States a country of freedom under the law. I think this is the self-hypnosis of Americans. They can eliminate the race that has occupied American for centuries by using the law. It is a joke that everyone is equal. If this is the case, there will be no “black life matter” and no African Americans will be shot dead by the police. The president will not use discriminatory names in his speeches.

5 thoughts on “Ren Su DB#6”

  1. I agree with how you said “it’s a joke that everyone is equal”, but it really is far from the truth. Minorities are constantly hated on, discriminated, have hate crimes committed against them, solely because of their race. The law and the constitution may say we are equal, but we truly aren’t. If we all were equal we would all be treated equally and fairly, but we aren’t.

  2. Hi Ren!

    I couldn’t agree more. I think COVID has been very revealing and I hope that Asian-Americans can remember what a thin line we walk between being “accepted” and between being “other”

    “It is conceivable that racial discrimination has never been erased in the American dictionary.”

    Is such a powerful way to put it. You have my wholehearted agreement, racism is, and has always been, alive and well in America. I’m not sure we will ever be rid of it.

    “Because racial discrimination has always existed in the United States, some Americans call the United States a country of freedom under the law. ”

    Also so true! People are blind to racism because of how normalized and ingrained in our society it is. I also really appreciate your mention of Indigenous and Black communities. The harm that America has done to them is true irreparable and it should not be denied that we are not all equal. All lives won’t matter until Black Lives Matter.

  3. Hi Ren Su,
    Thanks for the information that you have shared, I agree with you about information of Covid-19. The US still has a racism against Asians through Covid-19, we can clearly see it through President Trump’s words.

  4. I agree with your thoughts and analysis of why Chinese, Asian Americans or people of other races aren’t considered equal in America. It is sad that though we say through our words that ‘we are all equal in America’ but we aren’t treated equally. This type of discrimination snatches our freedom and suppresses our ability. Also, the present discrimination towards the Chinese individuals even raised when the leader himself addressed ‘Coronavirus’ as ‘Chinese Virus’.

  5. This cruel treatment is mainly out of fear and bigotry. People are cowards to gang up on another race and prove themselves to be close minded, I don’t believe the Chinese deserved to be excluded like that

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