Minjee Go DB 6

Racism was the reason why Chinese immigrants were excluded from living in the United States. White Americans are not treated Chinese immigrants as American citizens because of their different skin colors. Even Chinese children could not go to school in the United States. According to Kamiya’s reading, she stated “In an 1858 editorial, the San Francisco Evening Bulletin reflected the city’s overwhelming rejection of integrated schools. ‘Let us keep our public schools free from the intrusion of the inferior races,’ the paper opined. ‘If we are compelled to have Negroes and Chinamen among us, it is better, of course, that they should be educated. But teach them separately from our Caucasian blood pure…'” Chinese society disagree about this discrimination. They argued that it was very unfair that they were denied the right to send their children to public schools, although they had to pay taxes, and in 1878 they petitioned the legislature, claiming that 1,300 Chinese children had the right to public education. I think racism is happening in Pandemic. Racism will continue in this society, where even the U.S. president calls the coronavirus is a Chinese virus.

5 thoughts on “Minjee Go DB 6”

  1. In all honesty, that one quote I found really ridiculous because the “Caucasian blood pure” isn’t really pure because they migrated to America. It also infuriates me the way they bluntly discriminate against other cultures. It’s honestly pretty stupid to think that one race is inferior or superior to each other when no race is.

  2. Hello Minjee,
    I agree with you. In a white society, Americans are very repulsive when they see people of different skin colors. And just like the information we read, even if Asians pay taxes, they cannot get the same treatment as whites. In addition, even the President of the United States carries discriminatory words. It is conceivable that discrimination in this country has never disappeared.

  3. Hi Minjee,

    Honestly, their thinking is so backward and unfortunately, it still prevails today, with so many supporters of our current President still sharing some of those beliefs to this day. Yet he does nothing to quell them and disavow, rather saying something stupid like “stand back” which does nothing to help improve the race relations of this country. His calling of Covid-19 as the horribly named “China Virus” only furthers to strain our already damaged race relations in this country.

  4. Hi, minjee.
    Discrimination is a long time problem, and still not solved for now. I think we shouldn’t discriminate against someone with their skins, that’s unfair to them.

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