Kai Hopkins DB#6

Based on the readings and film, Chinese immigrants were excluded and banned from basic rights such as working, letting their children attend school, and even migrating to the United States.In the San Fransisco Chronicle, “How early SF kept Chinese children out of the schoolhouse,” the article clarifies that “They were denied even separate schools like those accorded to blacks and Indians, who were granted that right in 1874. The Chinese community argued that it was grossly unfair that they had to pay taxes and yet were denied the right to send their children to public schools.” This quote in the article is significant because it points out that blacks and Indians were granted the right to have their own separate schools, but the Chinese would not be granted their own school and still had to pay taxes without having the children in schools. However, “In 1878, 1,300 people of Chinese descent petitioned the Legislature, arguing that the 3,000 Chinese children in the state had the right to a public education.”In the Timeline article , “The first Mexican border wall was actually to keep out Chinese people”,  the article reveled “Editorial cartoons in newspapers of the time depicted the Chinese as shifty villains.” The article also express that “the white public was stirred to anger by the presence of what they called the “yellow peril.” These statements expressed how the white Americans felt about the Chinese community coming into “their land.” The similarities today, can compare to when Trump wanted to ban people of Islam faith from America, just like in SF, many people retaliated and protest against his choice.  I do have questions wondering if there are any relatives of the protesters from San Fransisco, that can tell us about the protest and treatment of the Chinese.

4 thoughts on “Kai Hopkins DB#6”

  1. I didn’t really like how America tried to paint the Chinese in a negative life through constant form of discrimination. They treated them less than humane but gave them the false illusion of citizenship through things like paying taxes same as American citizens. It disgusts me to know that America still discriminates against minorities especially now with this current president.

  2. Hi Kai,

    I agree with you that America’s actions back then were disgusting. And yes, it carries onto even today, no thanks to Trump’s idiocy. Finally, I am sure there are multiple sites/blogs established documenting the treatment of the Chinese people and probably some orally passed down stories from their descendants.

  3. The discriminatory nature of the majority towards the minority in America is continuing till today which is disgraceful. The sad reality is as time progresses, the minority races becomes the target point of discrimination. I really hope we can build an America where all people aren’t only equal in ‘the written constitution’ but in the real ‘living world’ too.

  4. Great question: I do have questions wondering if there are any relatives of the protesters from San Fransisco, that can tell us about the protest and treatment of the Chinese.
    I think that there are archives and oral history projects that would be helpful- and the Ethnic Studies program at San Francisco State would be a great resource.

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