A.) Chinese prostitution attracted particular public attention which later on became a leading argument against asian immigration within the United States. During the late 1870’s depression an increase of anti Chinese sentiments prevailed due to the lack of job opportunities. The media ultimately blamed the Chinese for taking jobs and undercutting the white man’s ability to earn. They also spread misinformation about Asian sex workers which later becomes the basis for implementing laws that banned the immigration of many Asian women. According to Dr. Charles C.O’Donnell, A renowned doctor, “There are cases of syphilis among the whites that originated from these Chinese prostitutes that are incurable”. The majority reached a strong consensus Asian prostitutes represented a prevalent threat to the lives of the everyday white family. Aside from being blamed for the spread of sicknesses, Chinese women were also blamed for encouraging immorality among white young boys and men. Which translates to a negative drift between families and their religious faith. At this time, the AMA or American Medical Association forwarded studies about Chinese prostitutes and whether they are poisoning the nation. As stated in the excerpt of Luibheid, “The germ theory of disease provided an explanation of the manner in which an obviously inferior group might best a superior one, contrary to the natural law of social Darwinists”. The page law mandated the exclusion of Asian women coming to the United States to work as prostitutes believed to be a serious threat to white values, lives and futures.
B.) Carved in Silence showcased the trials Asian immigrants faced when they arrived in Angel Island. After faced with the Exclusion law, many men and women found different ways to be part of the exception. Some even purchased fake papers despite the expense and the risk of being caught. Angel Island was far from heavenly for these unsuspecting migrants. When settled, they were stripped away from their families and their partners for days, experienced poor living conditions and forced to cooperate with aggressive interviews and intrusive medical checkups. This would go on for weeks and even months before they can legally leave the island. To express and relieve suffering and frustrations, they turned to the written language. Immigrants within the heavily guarded compounds of Angel Island would carve countless poems without names. Later, when these poor conditions continued within the facilities, detainees founded the Angel Island Liberty Association in protest against the horrible treatment and the awful living arrangements that they faced everyday.
C.) The treatment Asian Americans face today due to COVID-19 and the insensitivity of Pres. Donald Trump is very similar to what Chinese sex workers faced during the 1870’s. The spread of misinformation and ignorance is far more contagious and unfortunate. It creates fear within people which potentially transforms into hate and mistreatment towards different persons on the basis of their race and phenotype. The treatment of immigrants in Angel Island is very similar to hoe ICE treats their detainees at the border. The only difference might be that ICE is far more vicious and merciless. It’s heartbreaking to see people being mistreated and separated from their families. Mothers and Fathers stripped from their children, women being unknowingly castrated against their will, countless cases of sexual assault and the many missing children that are unaccounted for within their facilities. It is a tragedy that these activities are facilitated by our very own government.
Lacking job opportunities is nothing to do with Chinese. Job opportunities are always for those people who are well-prepare and can be competent in the job. It’s nothing to do with any race therefore we shouldn’t against somebody for this reason.
Yes, good point, Leo. The Chinese were blamed or scapegoated for the economic insecurities that white American workers faced- but they were not the ones responsible. It was the owners and managers- the capitalist class- that were responsible.