1.) Despite our limited time, I must say the interaction between us and Professor Munshi is great and makes this class the most enjoyable one. As a matter of fact, out of all of my classes, this is by far the most I enjoy. Personally speaking, the work is not overwhelming and I don’t know how to explain it but when I go to this class, it feels like I’m really in the classroom. Professor Munshi has made this class very enjoyable thanks to her creating a welcoming environment I always enjoy coming into the class. Not much to say in regards to my classmates but reading their responses to the Discussion Boards, I really admire their well-thought-out responses. One thing I would like to change though is “No Breakout Rooms” since it’s usually awkward silence/pauses and I get everyone is shy so it creates an awkward tension that usually eats at me wondering if they’re judging my voice every time I speak.
2.) The song I would like to add to the class playlist for opening music is California by Berhana. It has zero ties to the class in general but as cliche as this sounds, I feel good when listening to it and maybe everyone else in the class will if they get a chance to listen to it or hear it upon walking to the class as the intro song. On the other hand, I would recommend Whole Wide World by Berhana. My reason being, the beat, and sound of the song, has a very closing theme sound to it that you’d probably hear played in songs used in the background of family sitcoms.
Hi Jericho,
Whole Wide World is actually a great song! Thank you for recommending that.
You’re kinda right about the breakout rooms, they are inevitably awkward sometimes. Maybe it would be better if the groups were bigger and not just 3-4 people per room. Also, I definitely understand feeling like you’re being judged, but this environment seems like the last place anybody would be judging, I’m sure everyone would want to hear you speak.
Thanks for your comments, Jericho- and I appreciate your honesty about the awkwardness in the breakout groups. Let’s think together about what can help with this experience- including playing with the size of the group. I think doing more of them will also help with the feeling of discomfort.
+ thanks for the song recommendations!