Ren Su DB#4

I was watching the video “A Conversation with Asian Americans on Race”. I think that in American society, it is common for Americans to be white. Americans of other skin colors, such as Asian Americans and African Americans, will be labeled In some words, Americans with only white skin will be called Americans directly. In the video, I was surprised when an Indian-American was called by a little white girl that her skin color was something disgusting. In my opinion, the reason for racism in American society comes from the establishment of the country, when slavery prevailed, although this system has now been abolished. But this may be the reason for the construction of the current ethnic society.

In addition, in the documentary, in my personal opinion. No matter who you are, everything depends on your skin color. As long as your skin color is white or light, then you will have some “privileges.” But if your skin color is darker, then you will be considered to be at the bottom of society without any rights or human rights. In my opinion, as long as you are not white American, you will be more or less discriminated against by others in American society because of your skin color. There are many people who do not understand the United States and think that the United States is a place where there is no racial discrimination, but they are people who want to live in American society. They understand that discrimination still exists today.

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