Given the different text & videos I have reviewed for the week I have realized a wide variety of information when it comes to how life was back in the day, compared to how it is now & that fact that race has been a social construct for years and years now. For example in the video titled “A Conversation with Asian Americans on Race” a vast majority of asians, no matter what age they were, were always getting discriminated by everyone and being called racial slurs, all because they did not have the same culture & religion. On top of that they would also get mistaken for other ethnicities such as Hispanic people which furthermore adds on to the fact that social construct truly exist because if you did not look, acted, and dressed as the average American then you were basically not accepted in the community. Unfortunately this lead to many asians Americans to try and copy everything the Americans did to try and fit in so they would not get discriminated against. This goes to show the amount of years this has been going on and the fact that is still happens this exact moment and people are still blind from it is disappointing. It makes me even more uncomfortable that hate crimes and discrimination like these are usually never handled with. For example look at how the someone as big as the Presidentcalls Covid 19 the Chinese virus and has not been held accountable yet, which leads to his followers to actually believe the nonsense he says. However I did like the statements the “Race: The Power of an Illusion” was trying ti give off which was basically that we should not let differences in appearance and lifestyle separate the fact that the vast majority of us are extremely similar when it comes to just simply being a human, such as physically, Mentally etc. If Society thought like this then I believe race would not be a social construct but due to the racism and discrimination that has been going on for centuries as all 3 sources went on to prove, Race is a social construct. The only way we could get past the fact that its a social construct, would just be to stop all discrimination and racism towards everyone. & If these types of actions keep on being committed it should be penalized a certain way.
I agree with you Louis that to get pass Social Construct and to achieve all discrimination and racisms.
I agree with the points you put forward to prove that race is a social construct. I liked the statement where you explained if we don’t act like the average Americans do then it’s hard to blend among the general people. As a result of which we feel left out and try our best to be more ‘American’. It’s also notable when we talk or try to act like the ‘Americans’ people instantly become astonished and start to raise questions such as ‘Oh, you don’t sound like Indian’. In either way some people in our society creates groups among people and labelizes them based on their preconceived ideas about different races. I also believe the only way to eliminate discrimination is to create equality.