Jasmeen Kaur DB#4

According to “A Conversation with Asian American on Race” asian-Americans confront stereotypes about their community.
They explain some examples of racism they faced while growing up. They forced to hide there Asian American religion and to be Americanized. One male in the video shared his story of when he was a little boy, a white American girl called his skin color a disgusting word. These type of comments stay in the minds of individuals that went through racism. They also explain that Americans stereotype of Asians being very smart and achieving and being privileged more in America.In the first minutes of this documentary, historian Theda Purdue shares that, “we don’t realize that race is an idea that evolves over time, that it has a history, that it is constructed by society to further certain political and economic goals”. In my opinion she is trying to stay that it doesn’t matter hoe you look and that your race doesn’t define who you are. White and black people had different views in people eyes just because the color of there skin was different. Whites were more privileged and considered more powerful while blacks were considered lower in society. This week I noticed that along with these people in the video explaining different racial experiences, many of my friends and family members went through similar experiences.This makes me angry because people immigrate to America thinking they won’t need to worry about discrimination and racism. However, people are still differentiated and still have to go through racial experiences.

2 thoughts on “Jasmeen Kaur DB#4”

  1. You make a great point, Jasmeen. People come to America thinking it is flowers and daisies, but fail to actually look into America’s history. These race and society issues root back to slavery and it sucks to have an entire country run on that mentality that race is just what you see, but it is also what will dictate how you are treated. Do you think people would still migrate here if they knew the entire truth?

  2. I think so too. In other countries, people have always felt that the United States is a completely free place without any discrimination. Of course, the current law also stipulates this. But like Alexis said, the United States is a country established under slavery. Even if slavery has been abolished, it is still in the impression of some people that it is a white supreme country.

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