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面对即将到来的春季 朝阳缓缓的升上天空 大树和小花生根发芽 海鸥飞向久违的大海 春游是燕子回归之日 暖暖的春风迎面吹来 花蕊绽放洋溢着淡香 开启新希望拥抱梦想
This artwork is about how I am feeling in this pandemic and the moods I have been passing. I found in the […]
Living in two different realms is something I can not accept. I still believe we will watch wrestling one day, […]
春 悄悄地,悄悄地, 银霜悄悄地消失在了大地, 化成了甘露,滋润了尘土。 悄悄地,悄悄地, 春风悄悄的拂过了枝头, 吐出了绿芽,唤醒了花蕾。 悄悄地,悄悄地, 在低头静思的片刻, 在仰头感叹的瞬间, 春天悄悄地来临, 洒落在心田, 温暖了心窝。