Week 5 – Set Design

Good Evening,,

The Director’s Gallery Part 2 Presentations are really solid. Some of you have gotten very creative with the use of image, music and sound to really bring your concepts to life. The use of video or simply recording in Power Point really helps makes these professional.

This weeks focus is Set Design

Please Read

Chapter 4 Set Design

Please Listen

Be sure you have finished the “Richard II” Podcast if you have not already.


Please Watch

(Set Design Video)

Discussion Board

Set Design (10 Points) 

 Go back to the scene you are working with from Richard IICreate a set design that will support the scene, the characters’, and the story. What set pieces will be necessary? What might you add?  Think back to your “concept” and be specific. You can create the design by hand and take and post a pic, create on the computer, set it up the best you can using what you have and record yourself explaining your choices…  Be sure you watch the video to get some examples for what a set design should look like. Also, Google “Set Design” for plenty of ideas.

Check out The Student Showcase on Open Lab for some wonderful examples.

Please review and respond to at least 2 of your ensemble members posts. Please offer one I appreciate… (something that worked well) and one I wonder… (something that is not clear or that you have a helpful hint for) 

Let me know if you have questions. I am looking forward to your designs.

Have a great weekend.

Prof. Christina