Author: Kadesh Stewart
Mentor: Christine Farias
Abstract: Contact Mentor
Author: Kadesh Stewart
Mentor: Christine Farias
Abstract: Contact Mentor
Author: Shannon Brown
Mentor: Dr. Joanna I. Giza
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Everything we remember is encoded as plastic changes at small protrusions called spines, located on the dendritic branches of nerve cells. A molecule implicated in governing these changes, brain-derived …
Author: Egzon Qenaj
Mentor: Adolfina Koroch
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Black seed (Nigella Sativa), commonly known as black cumin, is an annual flowering plant belonging to the family Ranunculaceae and is a native of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. …
Author: Altrim Mamuti, Zameena Bhairo
Mentor: Lalitha Jayant
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Contact Mentor
Author: Michael Lema
Mentor: Chris McCarthy
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Contact Advisor
Author: Samuel A. Boadu
Mentor: Chris McCarthy
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Contact Mentor
Author: Nathalia Torres
Mentor: Levent Kurt
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: This semester I worked virtually with Prof.Kurt using the online learning platform Coursera. The site has paired with the University of Sydney to provide a “Data-driven Astronomy” massive open online course. …
Author: Larissa Costa
Mentor: Dr. Ardebili
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Increasingly, 3D printing technology has become a great alternative for industries to develop products with lattice structure design which has lower cost since it promotes weight reduction, decreases the time of …
Author: Juan Carlos Rosales Meza
Mentor: Francisca Suarez-Coalla
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: Ever since the arrival of the first Hispanic community in Manhattan in the late 1800s, New Yorkers have been influenced by their many cultural and artistic contributions. This is …
Author: William Roman
Mentor: Abel E. Navarro
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: The adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and
human hemoglobin (Hb) on naturally occurring
adsorbents was studied to evaluate the potential
recovery of proteins from meat industry wastewaters.
Spent peppermint …
Author: Ahmed Soliman
Mentor: Mohammad Azhar
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we learn and receive an education. One of the unique challenges that people with hearing impairments have faced during the pandemic is communication in …
Author: Joshua Lasciche
Mentor: Abel Navarro
Institution: BMCC
Abstract: The search for new adsorbents to decontaminate large bodies of water is a top priority for the scientific community. The presence of radionuclides like uranium and thorium in the ecosystem has …
BMCC’s OpenLab is an online platform where the College’s students, faculty and staff can come together to learn, work, play and share ideas.
BMCC’s OpenLab is an online platform where the College’s students, faculty and staff can come together to learn, work, play and share ideas.