
Module Objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Explore abstraction in computational thinking
  • Engage in abstraction activities
  • Develop a learning experience that embeds abstraction from computational thinking

Activity #1: Abstraction in Computational Thinking

Read Ezeamuzie et al., (2022)


Read Rijke et al., (2018)


Read Silva et al., (2021)


Read: Abstraction in Computational Thinking (Learning.com, 2022)


Read: The One About Abstraction in Computational Thinking (McVeigh-Murphy, 2020)


Watch: Abstraction-Computational Thinking

Read: Computational Thinking, Abstraction (CS in SF: MyCS)


Activity #2: Mad Glibs

Write 2 Mad Glibs Stories

  1. Pick one Mad Glibs template below.
  2. Write a story using one of the Mad Glibs templates.
  3. Fill in the blanks with words to create something fun to share.
  4. Then, create a second story by writing another version of the story using the same template
  5. Post both stories on this Google Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_9ocFcwL5qwjwjiQTlTMdEtT0oY8MYR3n1lnaBcM_vY/edit?usp=sharing

Mad Glibs Template 1:

First take your ______________________ then add a layer of ____________________________ before you pour on a heart dose of ____________________________________. Next, press some _______________________ down into the ______________________________ before covering with a sprinkle of __________________________.

That’s how we make a __________________________ !

Mad Glibs Template 2:

____________________ last year, my friend_______________________ me an old __________________. They told me about the days when they would _________________________ it to ____________________________________. I tried to ______________________ it once, but tripped over my _________________________. It didn’t take long before I decided that it was best to leave the ___________________________ to my friend.


Activity #3: Excel Spreadsheet

Please enter your information on this Excel spreadsheet. We will use this data next session.
