Module Objectives
In this activity you will:
- Explore examples of computational thinking in elementary classrooms
- Engage in computational thinking activities
- Create computational thinking activities to use with your students
Activity #1: Computational Thinking in Action
Read: Encouraging Computational Thinking for Young Children and Families from a Distance (Kociubuk et al., 2020)
Read: Classroom Play and Activities to Support Computational Thinking Development (Lee et al., 2023)
Lee-et-al-2023Read Integrating Computational Thinking into Your Elementary Classroom (Smith, 2019)
Read: Screen-Free Computational Thinking (Peterson, 2021)
Read: The Integration of Computational Thinking in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (Moore & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2020)
The-Integration-of-Computational-Thinking-in-Early-Childhood-and-Elementary-Education-2Read: How to Develop Computational Thinkers (Valenzuela, 2022)
Read: The Ultimate Guide to Computational Thinking for Educators (Learning.com, 2019)
601f35cdbe24d5b3ffa38386_The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Computational-Thinking-for-Educators-copyRead: Computational Thinking — A Guide for Teachers (Csizmadia et al., 2015)
150818_Computational_Thinking_1_-2Read: How to Introduce DeBugging to Children (Juni, 2020)
Optional Reading: A systematic review of integrating computational thinking in early childhood education (Su & Yang, 2023)
Su-Yang-2023Optional Reading: Early Learning Strategies for Developing Computational Thinkers (Thorson, 2018)
Optional Reading: Making the Connection — Computational Thinking and Early Learning for Young Children and Their Families (Campana et al. (2020)
MakingTheConnection_PLMag_JulAug2020-copyActivity #2: Computational Thinking Learning Experience
Prepare your Computational Thinking Learning Experience. Review he Guidelines below to help you create the learning experience.
Creating-Sharing-Learning-ExperienceOptional: Chart for Creating Your Computational Thinking Learning Experience — this chart may help you to plan & develop your computational thinking learning experience(s)
Chart-for-Creating-Computational-Thinking-Learning-ActivityActivity #3: End-of-Course Survey
Please complete the end of course survey. Your feedback and insights are important to me!