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Create and Edit Posts and Pages

Pages and posts are the primary places for added content to your WordPress site. You can add text, links, images, video, and other types of content by following the instructions below.
  1. Go to your site’s Dashboard.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click on Posts (or Pages) > Add New.
  3. You will see the page/post block editor. Start typing or paste text to add a title and content to your post or page. 
  4. You can include other types of content, such as images and documents by clicking the plus-sign icon, and searching for the block you want (e.g., image, pdf, or video block). For more information, see our post about the block editor.
  5. WordPress will periodically save your work, or you can click on Save draft in the upper right of the screen. When you are ready to publish your new page or post, click the Publish button in the upper right of the screen.
  6. To edit a previously created page or post, go to the Dashboard and click on Pages or Posts to view a list of all pages or posts.