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Here are your colleagues’ teaching philosophies as a #4WordPedagogy (e.g., “Who’s missing? Teach that” or “Start by trusting students” or “Teach less, but deeply”).


“Errors”: essential to learning
In computer science, we always encounter errors and we have many labels for them: syntax errors, logic errors, compile-time errors, run-time errors, etc…. They are some of the best learning opportunities as long as the student tries to learn from them.

Finding the Balance: Teaching Astronomy to Non-Specialists with Limited Scientific Background

Teaching a comprehensive General Astronomy course, encompassing astrophysics, astrobiology, and cosmology, to non-specialists with minimal knowledge of mathematics and physics presents a significant pedagogical challenge. In this essay, we explore the dialectical problem of determining the most effective teaching strategy for such students: should we prioritize “learning less, but in depth” or “teaching more material, but in a descriptive and superficial manner”?… Read more “Finding the Balance: Teaching Astronomy to Non-Specialists with Limited Scientific Background”