Week 09

Five ladies and two children in Victorian dress in a music room
Public Domain

Activity 1

Click this link to access an interactive reading of “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin on the Commonlit website. You are not required to complete the assessment questions, but doing so may enhance your understanding of the story.

Activity 2

Click this link to read and listen to the poem “The Wife” by Emily Dickinson.

Painting of 19th Century bride in white dress and veil on orange background
Public Domain


Activity 3

Click this link to access an interactive reading of “The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant on the Commonlit website. You are not required to complete the assessment questions, but doing so may enhance your understanding of the story.

Activity 4

Click this link to view a short Youtube video on the 19th Century Cult of Domesticity.

Activity 5

Please read the following article by Barbara Welter about
The Cult of True Womanhood

Activity 6

Please view this video lecture on “The Necklace.” I am going to expand it to include “The Story of an Hour” and “The Wife”; however, for now, Parts II and III must be read from the transcript.

Activity 7

Click this link to access the Week 9 discussion.

Victorian road in sunset with walled-in mansion
CC Share-Alike 4.0


Activity 8

Quiz 3: This is a 25-question multiple-choice test that covers all material from Week 1 through Week 9. Special emphasis is on conventions of ancient Greek theatre and identification of literary terms in examples from readings. (See Weeks 6 and 7 pages).

Test will be available from 9:00 Monday, March 30 until 5:00 Sunday, April 5. Students have 90 minutes to complete the test, which must be done in one sitting. Once the test has closed, it will become unavailable and unviewable to students.

To access the quiz, please navigate to your Blackboard course. On the black navigation panel, click “Links to Quizzes.” Then click the link to Midterm Quiz.

Essay 2 on Oedipus the King is due by midnight Sunday, March 29th. Directions and details appear on the Week 7 page, which is when the essay was assigned. Please review Activities 3 and 4 on the Week 7 page. Note the special citation rules for Oedipus the King. Also, be sure you have reviewed and listened to my voice comments on your first essay so that your writing improves with each essay.