Week 14

Painting of red and blue house on vivid yellow background
National Hispanic Cultural Center
Artwork by David Rivera

Activity 1

Read The House on Mango Street from page 33 (“Darius and the Clouds”) to 72 (“Sire”).

Activity 2

This short reading guide might help focus your ideas about the vignettes in this section.

Activity 3

In preparation for the final research essay, please review this short PowerPoint presentation on thesis statements. It is critically important for your essay to have a strong, clear thesis.

Bright abstract painting of three girls’ faces, two with only one eye

Activity 4

In preparation for the final research essay, please review this BMCC library guide to MLA formatting.

Activity 5

In preparation for the final research essay, please review the essay outline and student sample.

Close-up of single red zinnia on yellow and orange background

Activity 6

Click this link to access the Week 14 discussion board.