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BARS 2024

Efficiency of Neuronal cells with 3D Agarose Cultures


Efficiency of Neuronal cells with 3D Agarose Cultures


New technology is revolutionizing drug discovery and improving drug viability in medical research. This study explores whether 3D cultures, specifically using agarose as a matrix, can improve the viability of neuronal cultures in drug discovery, compared to 2D cultures. Using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, a cell line that is commonly employed in neurological research, we developed a 3D culture system where cells are grown in agarose-filled tubes. This setup aims to mimic the natural, three-dimensional environment of neuronal tissues. To assess the structure and viability of these cultures, we aim to embed the grown cells in wax, in order for precise sectioning and detailed microscopic examination. This model promises to be a valuable tool in the study of neurodegenerative diseases where a more accurate representation of brain tissues is crucial.