Category Archives: Developmental

Developmental Psychology Discussion Prompts

  • Watch “The Benefits of a Bilingual Brain”. This TEDx Education video makes a strong argument for the beneficial biological and cognitive implications of bilingualism. But what do you think are the possible social developmental consequences for bilingualism? Do bilinguals or multilinguals develop differently than monolinguals, socially-speaking? If so, would there be a difference between compound, coordinate, and subordinate bilinguals? If no, why not?
  • Have you changed much since you were a child? Research on temperament indicates that not only are our temperaments stable during our infancy and childhood, but that it remains relatively stable into adulthood. For example, if your activity level was high as an infant/child, then chances are you are highly active adult. Ask a parent/caregiver/family member what they remember about your temperament as a child. What was your characteristic mood, activity level, and emotional reactivity? How are you like now, as an adult, based on these 3 factors? Have you changed?