Date(s) - 10/13/2020
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Categories No Categories
The pre-med/pre-health society presents Conversations with Dr. Flynn, Dean of Fort Worth’s new M.D. school, the Texas Christian University and University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine.
Join us via Zoom: pwd=Vy9vbitxTjMycVVDZ0VEZjJzbEltUT09
Meeting ID: 849 7875 9903
Passcode: 506588
Stuart D. Flynn, M.D., is the founding dean of Fort Worth’s new M.D. school, the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine. The school was accredited in October 2018 and has now matriculated two classes of 60 students each. Flynn has led the development of the new school and built a team that is creating an innovative and patient-centric curriculum that will change how doctors are trained. In a supportive environment, students will become empathetic scholars, while training to be excellent communicators, active listeners, life-long learners, and valued physicians, colleagues, leaders, and citizens in their communities.
If you have any questions, contact Navita Nauth at or Ferdousi Akhter at