Category Archives: Documentaries

This will contain all the documentary movies.

Hero With a Thousand Faces

The recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa was one of the most deadly health epidemics in recent history. Sierra Leone was the hardest hit by the virus. However, the story of Ebola isn’t just one of mass death; it’s a story of the first responders rushing in to face insurmountable odds, of brothers in arms refusing to quit when all seemed lost.
While the 24-hour news stoked fears of the Ebola virus, these true-life heroes sprinted into this war with fearless abandon. While we closed our hearts and doors to those in need, thousands of West African men, women and children rose up to engage this enemy.

Watch "Hero With a Thousand Faces" Here

Practicing Medicine

In their clinical training the students all see and do the same things – just at different times and in different places.
We dip in and out of the various students’ experiences and use them as pictures to allow them all to comment. It’s hard to get across the humor, pathos and drama of it all in an outline like this, but it’s all there. It’s also hard to mention all of the students, but they all have their moments.

Watch "Practicing Medicine" Here

Donated to Science

This award winning film follows a group of medical students and their relationship with the cadavers they dissect. Throughout the film we follow a group of people who donate their bodies to the University of Otago Medical School for students to dissect. In 2006 we interviewed several people who planned to donate their bodies to the Otago Medical School for students to dissect. We asked them about their lives and their loves, their hopes, their fears, and of course their bodies. The Otago Medical school is one of the last in the world whose students still do significant human dissection. The donors and the students gave us permission to follow them through this whole process. By intercutting the donors interviews with their own bodies being dissected and the student’s reactions for the first time on film, we have the chance to share that amazing journey of the students, the donors and their families. At the end of the film the students finally get to ‘meet’ their cadavers. As we show them the original interviews they are forced to revisit their reactions and attitudes to the body, in light of the donor’s thoughts and feelings giving the film an emotional climax that it would be hard to equal in any other film, a climax made even more powerful because it is real and true. This unexpectedly life affirming, sad, funny and above all human film is the result. The emotional punch at the end when the students finally get to see the live interviews with the bodies they’ve just finished dissecting is as powerful as anything you’ll ever see.

Watch "Donated to Science" Here