By the end of this module, you will:
– become familiar with the basic concepts of collective actions and political organizing in American politics.
– have a basic working knowledge the concept of “racial capitalism.
– Identify key ideas across several readings and assigned materials
– have practiced text annotation of the assigned reading
– critically analyze assigned text and video material

Lesson 11.1 – The Court System

In this lesson, you will learn the basic ideas and parts of the US court system.

WATCH – Lesson 11.1 Intro Video

READ – Reading 11.1 – “The Dual Court System”

Read the following textbook excerpt, which presents the dual court system, and explain how the different court systems interact with various legal issues.

COMPLETE – Student Challenge Exercise 11.1

Read through the following page, which offers a exercise in practicing

On the bottom of this page, complete the “Student Challenge” by clicking on the red “Start” button.

READ – Reading 11.2 – “The Federal Court System”

This reading describes the differences between the various federal courts: district, circuit courts, and the Supreme Court

READ – Exercise 11.2 – “Federal Courts and the Public”

Read through the following passage, which outlines the different way the federal courts affect the lives of Americans:

READ – Reading 11.3 – “The Supreme Court”

This reading analyzes the structure and important features of the Supreme Court, as well as explain how the Court selects cases.

REVIEW – Key Terms from this chapter

Read through these key terms connected to our study of the court system. Some of them might appear on our next exam, as short-answer definitions:

COMPLETE – Self-Assessment Exercise 11.3

NOTE: On our second exam, there will questions in answer-completion format, which will be based on these 22 review questions, so please make sure you understand, and answer all of these questions correctly.

Complete questions 1-22 to review key ideas from this topic:

You can check your answers here:

WRITE – Discussion Board 11.1

Head over to Discussion Board 11.1