via Email
The fastest way to reach me is through the following email address:
If you prefer, you can also reach me at:
When you email me, please add the following to the subject heading of your message:
POL 100-0506
This will ensure that your email is saved in a special folder and does not get buried in hundreds of other emails. It is also important to sign your name. I will respond in 24 hours.
I can also be reached via Zoom in at least two ways:
- During our virtual office hours, which will be on every Wednesday, from 3-4pm. Click on the following button on those days and times to join the meeting:
Note: The password for this office hours link will be emailed to everyone via OpenLab and Blackboard announcements.
2. We can also schedule a meeting via Zoom, if the office hour times and days are not good for you. Let me know via email, and we’ll schedule a meeting.