Taikiem Jennings- The Structure of the US Government

1. The primary differences in the roles of citizens in government and among the three different systems of government is that there is a popular sovereignty. The principle of this means that the government power lies within the people. The theory of this comes from the concept of social contract and that the government should be for the benefit of all citizens. If the government is not doing all it can to protect its citizens then it should be dissolved. The term social contract means that the state exists only to serve the people who are the source of all political power. This idea is one of the foundations of the American political system today. 

2.The division of power is what modern democracies use to divide their governmental power into two general categories. The first is something that is like the way the US is run by using a combination of two structures. The first and most common one is by sharing the power among the three branches of government- the legislative, the executive and the judiciary branches. The second part is known as Federalism. With Federalism they believe to split the right amount of power between the two levels of government on a national and state level. Within the United States the term federal government is referring to the government on a national level. While with the term states means government at the subnational level.

3.The federal government has shaped the actions of state and local governments in many different ways. Some of the ways that they do this is by giving out grants. The national government’s ability to give out grants is normally considered to be a “carrot” to the extent of its design in which the main goal is to have the recipient do something. But with unfunded mandates that can be imposed by the federal government they come with federal requirements that must be met by both state and local authorities. With Mandates they are usually backed up with the threat of penalties for non-compliance and provide little to no compensation at all. These types of deals are often referred to as a “stick.”

In regards to the response of how the Federal government has influenced the action of state and local governments it played a big role in many of the steps being taken. NYC at the height of Covid 19 was considered to be a epicenter and a huge spreader for Covid 19. While former Governor Andrew Comuo did his best to keep things under control for both at a state and local level it was impossible. People were losing their jobs, there became a shortage of ventailers and a city found itself with stock piles of people dying left and right. During this time under the Defense Production Act (DPA) the federal government can direct production by private industry to increase the supply of needed goods. Which would help increase economic productivity and increase the supply of needed goods. President Trump didn’t not act on this right away which caused millions of families to lose their loved ones.  President Trump instead failed to order an increase in needed supplies until April 16 well almost two months into a lock down. Thus the federal government forced the local level’s hand and Mayor Bill De Blaso would seek help from a private company to produce well needed ventilators.

Rached Willis 7.1

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.

As described in reading 3.1 when it comes to citizen in government, among the federal, the government is broken up into two sectors in which citizens are the ones who chooses who they want to represent the sectors. This done is through voting. With the unitary system the subnational government is dependent on the national government. With this system the citizens relies on the government and allows them to make the decisions. With the confederation citizens are the ones that are in control due to the authority being concentrated to the states.

  1. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.

My understanding of division of power is no one entity holds all the power. The power is divided amongst other branches which all needs to come together to create on power. For example, we have the judicial, legislative and executive branches that holds power in different parts of the government.

  1. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The federal government can either allow the state and local govs to make decisions for themselves but when the decisions made are not helping the federal government can come in and impose a rule that the state and local gov has to follow. For example during covid states had the opportunity to regulate covid-19 policies but when Covid began to worsen the federal government imposed a lock down nationwide.

The American Government

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.
  • 1. In the Federal system of government, citizens vote for their representatives.
  • 2. In the Confederation system, citizens are dependent on local governments to maintain order.
  • 3. In Unitary systems, citizens depend on the central government to make decisions.  
  1. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.

The purpose of Division of Power is to establish security not just for the country but for the country’s citizens. There are three branches of government that support the division of power. The first is the Legislative Branch which Congress is responsible for making federal laws. Congress has two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The second branch is the Executive Branch which is ruled by the appointed president and vice president. They work with members of the Cabinet to ensure defense, the security of the treasury, and manage homeland security. The third, final, and most important is the Judicial Branch. The Judicial Branch is run by the Supreme Court and the Federal courts. They use cases to interpret and apply the laws of the US. The Supreme Court holds Judicial Review, they have the power to declare laws unconstitutional.

  1. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As soon as COVID-19 hit US citizens turned their eyes to the NAID, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It was advised to all citizens during and after quarantine that a mask mandate would be in affect. Those that refused to follow would adhere to consequences. Though those consequences were never specific it was understood by citizens that security could ask you to leave or you would not be allowed to enter places like a restaurant, movie, arcade without wearing a mask. NY state was one of the states that followed this mandate and took it very seriously. Given that NY state had one of the highest counts of COVID cases it was not shocking that something as simple as wearing a mask could help alleviate those who wanted to leave their house. The US also made COVID vaccines mandated , NY state’s response was the same. You could not get a job, return to work, be allowed in public places of shared gathering without providing proof of vaccination.

DB 7.1

  1. In a federal system a citizens role is to choose who represents and makes decisions at the state level and national level. In a confederation the citizens uphold the most power. They choose representatives for their states who posses all the power. Lastly in a unitary government the people hold the least influence. All the power it held by the national government. This leads to the citizens and subnational governments depending on the national government.
  2. I understand the system of division of power as government authority being decentralized. It is balanced between multiple powers so that one power does not overthrow or overpower the other.
  3. The federal government shapes states with its federal grants and loans that it distributes. It forces states to abide by certain criteria in order to receive these grants and loans. They also shape states by recommending guidelines during certain events. For example the CDC a federal agency recommended wearing mask and social distancing during Covid 19. This caused the state of New York and other governments to issue mask mandates and social distancing guidelines.

Kianna Changoo – How Was The U.S. Government Born?

1.) The United States citizens were a key component in ensuring that the government was established in a way that was suitable for their needs and desires. At the federal level of government, citizens can vote for representatives. For the confederation system, citizens withhold most power in this circumstance because it relies on the local governments. Lastly, for the unitary systems, citizens are not deeply involved in this part and leave everything up to their central government.  

2.) “Division of power” or separation of powers was established in the year 1787 by the founding fathers. It was a means of ensuring that the government continued to serve its citizens, being strong and fair whilst protecting individual freedoms. But they did not want the government to abuse its power, so when the constitution became in effect it concluded that the power should be separated. Thus, three “branches” were born; executive, legislative, and judicial. Each one composes of their own powers or responsibilities and a system of checks and balances. By having the government divided in this manner, it would prevent one branch from having too much influence over the other. Also, the other branches would be able to “check” each other whilst working in unison.  

3.) While the state and local governments’ jobs are to oversee the protection and wellbeing of their citizens, the federal government has the responsibility to ensure that the nation adheres to the rules and that there is protection for the country. The federal government cooperates with the state and local governments by providing the necessary funds to operate federal programs, such as affordable housing, health insurance, food assistance programs, etc… A prime example of how the federal government did this is when the COVID-19 pandemic came. New York state and local governments saw a high rise in unemployment rates because businesses were either being shut down due to the rapid spread or they lacked money to remain open. With this happening, many people lost their source of income and had to file for unemployment insurance. The amount of money that was distributed before the federal government intervened was quite small, especially since it was calculated based on several factors revolving around the state’s eligibility criteria. Regardless, the government sought to provide funding for various states-including New York. This would then allow people to gain benefits that included $500 extra on top of the original amount they were eligible for. This was not only a great justice for the people of New York but also, people were able to have money for various aspects of their lives.  

Belinda Hinckley- Discussion Board 7.1

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems. 

In a unitary system of government, the central government holds power opposed to the citizens. The unitary system still has both local and regional methods of government, but they are both under the authority of the stronger central government. This government gives directions to the lower forms of government, but never allows them to work independently. One example of a country that used the unitary system is the United Kingdom. The central government was the most powerful and granted and removed power from local governments whenever they pleased. However, this country is beginning to become decentralized leading to the development of smaller countries like Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. 

In a federal system of government citizens play a prominent role where they vote for representatives that the people want, and each representative has a particular function. There are two levels of government in a federal system and the first is the national government, which oversees managing issues that concern the entire country. Examples of this would be foreign terrorist threats, as well as boosting economic wealth. The second is the state government where they focus on the concerns of their state including the welfare of their people such as health care and public safety. In the United States all national affairs are conducted by the federal government. The federal government consists of both the president and Congress for which the citizens are responsible for electing. All issues regarding the state government are delt with by their respective states, that are each run by an elected governor and legislature. Although there is a difference between what the state and local government focus on, voters on each level are in control of choosing a leader.  

Citizens in a confederation held little to no power because that authority belonged to the states. The states of a confederation maintain all the control of an independent nation, such as the right form a military, print currency, or construct a treaty with other powerful nations. The United States started with a confederate state because they wanted to make sure the average citizen did not have the power to make political change. Giving them this power would also be a danger to the wealthy capitalist and landowning citizens of this new country. However, this central government was much too weak to support this growing country, so a new system needed to be formed. The states refused to give up their power and the national government did not have the wherewithal to confront complications such as war debt, handling arguments amongst other states, solving issues regarding trade, or dealing with civil unrest across the country. This is when the founding fathers began to shift to a federal system while writing the constitution which gave the citizens a bit more of a prominent position.  

  1. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power. 

In a contemporary form of democracy, the government divides power into two distinct ways. Some countries, including the United States use a combination of both systems of government. The first way is far more popular and uses the collective power between the three branches of government, the legislative that makes laws and consists of Congress, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, the Executive that carries out the laws and includes the president, vice president, and Cabinet, and the Judicial branch that assesses the laws and is comprised of the Supreme Court as well as other courts. The second less common governmental power is federalism which distributes the power between the national and subnational levels of government. In the United States while referring to the national government you used the term “federal” and describe the subnational level as the “state government.” 

  1. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

 The federal government can influence each state through the process of distributing grants, incentives, and sending periodic aid. State and local governments are generally pleased to receive federal support, especially during a sever crisis. For example, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the federal government issued three stimulus checks for people who were eligible to provide economic relief for the people in each state. They were all approved by the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the president of the United States. The federal government additionally sent four massive medical stations with 1,000 beds to assist with the bed shortage in hospitals in New York City when the pandemic was at large. The federal government was also responsible for sending the USNS Comfort, a large hospital ship, to New York City to help relieve the crowding of local hospitals. Another thing the federal government implemented during the pandemic is that they dispatched the United States Army to convert the New York City’s Javits Center into a hospital which held almost 3,000 beds. Later a strong travel advisory was asked to be enforced by the governor of New York to prevent the spread of the virus through our airports and any other form of public transportation. Nobody was allowed to enter or leave the state for several months, and when the travel advisory was lifted those who traveled had to quarantine for a total of 14 days (about 2 weeks). Finally, in beginning of 2021, the federal government oversaw sending out COVID-19 vaccines across New York State. This was a grueling process as many New Yorkers scrambled to book appointments before the supply ran out. Some who booked appointments had to reschedule while they were waiting for their vaccine. It is speculated that former president Trump had a grudge on former Governor Cuomo, and because of that withheld the vaccines from New Yorkers.  

New York has received almost $90 billion in federal unemployment benefits for workers who struggled as a result of the pandemic, as well as $165 billion in the CARES Act funding implemented by former president Trump. The American Rescue Plan has also sent an extra $84 billion to the state of New York. This money has helped those who are jobless and has aided those whose businesses have struggled due to the economic hardships caused by statewide business shutdowns. This federal aid also helped decrease poverty by nearly 1/4th in the beginning of 2021. 

Joseph Paige – Discussion Board 7.1

1 ) Federations, confederations, and unitary governments all posit citizens in different roles. The unitary system sets the states as subordinates to the national government. In a confederation, the system that the United States adopted under the Articles of Confederation, uses the state as the primary source of government. The national government is subordinate to the state, and must go to each state of consent to act. A federation splits authority between the states and the national government. This authority, however, is derived and granted by the people. Therefore, the amount of power a government posses is dependent on how much the people give it. This system, in theory, positions citizens as the most important factor, and decider of its affairs.

2 ) The division of power, in the context of our lesson, refers to how power is delegated in any form of government. For example, in a federation, the state and national governments have authority over their land, the authority being given by the citizens. Each factor in this (the states, the national government, and even the people to some extent) has their own individual and distinct responsibilities in running or deciding how to run the country. Obviously, the national and state governments are the biggest players here.

3 ) The national government can employ many methods to influence state and local governments. One of the most common ways of achieving this influence is through federal grants. The grants are gifted to states and localities, and either have strict demands for how they should be spent or general guidelines/suggestions. This money is seen as an incentive to advance the Federal government’s interests. An example of this can be drawn from the period of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. NYC has been granted $180,438,727 (estimated as of February 2022) of federal money to
“support local efforts to increase vaccine uptake by expanding COVID-19 vaccine programs.” In this case, the Federal government has given the New York City a sum of money to advance one of it’s interests, expanding vaccination against COVID-19.

Karina Huerta

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems. It is ruled by all types of people especially the ones with power. The constitution created 3 separate branches of government with their own power this ensures that no branch is more powerful than the other this would help check the power of the other two. These branches help run the country. It is important to know all branches and what each does because our democracy depends on an informed citizenry so it’s important to know since we can get a call anytime from the government to participate in many things like a jury, court testifies and etc.
  2. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power. The article helps us undertsand the divison of power by informing us that the government itself isn’t the one who has all control of the power a nation has. In fact states has power.It says,” The divison of powers does overlap and sometimes leads to problems such as what happened with response to hurricane Katrina between the state and federal governments. This means that the constitution divides the power between states and the federal government.
  3. Each one has their own power based on how high it is How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.The federal government shapes the actions of state and local governments by helping with grants and loans. During the pandemic state and local authorities closed schools, rescheduled elections, placed limits on public gatherings, and shuttered non-essential businesses.One by one, jurisdictions began to issue stay-at-home orders that required Americans to shelter in place with their families and leave only for reasons seemed “essential. It was also mandated to wear a mask and do social distancing for the safetly of peoples health.
  1. At the federal level, citizens’ primary role in government is voting for representatives.Due to the fact that local governments make up the majority of the confederation system, citizens will hold the most power.Citizens in the unitary system (mostly) do not participate in any way and leave everything to their central government

2. The term “separation of powers” refers to the division of government of the government into distinct branches in order to prevent any one branch from carrying out the primary functions of another.The goal is to ensure checks and balances and prevent power concentration.The legislative branch is tasked with enacting state laws and appropriating the funds required to run the government, according to traditional descriptions of their powers in the United States.The implementation and administration of public policy enacted and funded by the legislative branch fall under the purview of the executive branch.The judicial branch is in charge of applying its interpretations of the constitution and laws to controversies brought before it.

3. Through grants and loans, the federal government influences the actions of state and local governments.State and local authorities shut down schools, rescheduled elections, restricted public gatherings, and closed non-essential businesses during the pandemic.Stay-at-home orders began to be issued by jurisdictions one at a time, requiring Americans to remain with their families and only leave for reasons that appeared “essential.”In order to protect people’s health, it was also required to wear a mask and isolate themselves from others.

Rodelyne Samule – Federalism

  1. Describe the primary differences in the role of citizens in government, among the federal, confederation, and unitary systems.

In a unitary system, citizens gives power to the national government. All power and sovereignty belong to the national government, which might, however, delegate some powers to the geographical units but, it has the authority to take this power back at any time and central government has all the power to make laws and decision for the people. While In a federal government, the power and sovereignty the citizens give, are constitutionally divided between the national (federal) government, state and local. Another way to say it, in a federal system, a national government and the state governments share power. Power to make laws and decisions for the people is shared between a central authority and regional authorities. In a confederal country, the power and sovereignty belong mostly to the states, which, however, delegated some limited powers to the national government. Confederation system, the vast majority of power rests with the states. Individual states make their own laws and decision and are loosely aligned to a weak central government.

2. Briefly explain how you understand the system of division of power.

I understand the system of division of power of the United States is composed of three groups: The Legislative Branch, The Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch. The Legislative is a branch where we find the Congressmen. There are 100 Senators and 435 Representative in the Legislative branch. Their role consist of passing National budget, declare war. The Judicial branch is called the court system. There are different levels of courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. The courts review laws, explain laws and decide if a law goes against the Constitution. The Supreme Court has nine justices or judges and they serve for life or until they retire. Another branch is the Executive one. This last one  includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments. The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. All these branches have limited power and must follow the laws of the Constitution. Also, there is a balance within them, one depends on the other.

3. How does the federal government shape the actions of state and local governments? Write your answer based on doing a bit of research on how the federal government has influenced the actions of NY state and local governments, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The federal government ensures cooperation of state and local governments by providing funds to operate federal programs. One way that the federal government can influence the states is through the distribution of grants, incentives, and aid. State and local governments are eager to obtain federal dollars. An example is during Covid-19 pandemic, the Fed’s actions ensured that credit continued to flow to households and businesses, preventing financial market disruptions from intensifying the economic damage. They give people with student loan a break. They inject funds into the financial system in an effort to calm the market. The president provided funding to authorities already fighting to contain the outbreak and allocated some part of funding for vaccine research. The The Primary Dealer Credit Facility was established to support the credit needs of U.S. householders and businesses by allowing primary dealers to support smooth market functioning and facilitate the availability of credit to businesses and households was established to support the credit needs of U.S. householders and businesses by allowing primary dealers to support smooth market functioning and facilitate the availability of credit to businesses and households. The IRS issued economic impact payments during the coronavirus pandemic for people who were eligible.

Sources: https://www.brookings.edu/research/fed-response-to-covid19/