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a)Ideology is the credence or faith that a group or person holds, is their idea of a better improved “world” . What builds the credence of a person’s political ideology could be family background ,personal life experience, and even social media.we all live our lives with ideologies that were implanted from our parents or closer family members .In short words Ideology is the way you see and comprehend some situations in your daily life or from a political perspective.

b) In my opinion one example of ideology can be a religious person’s beliefs because these religious beliefs can shape this person’s morals,behavior,and influence their everyday life .Religions are carried by larger groups of  people with the same beliefs and goals .In some religions their ideologies are so strong that they proudly believe that only their beliefs are “adequate” or correct and due to this religion leans more towards a conservative political perspective; but also many hispanics that are catholic lean more towards liberalism ideology because of their economic situations.

c)The monarchy is the perfect example of a conservative political ideology because they are more discreet and for centuries have kept the family concept  their priority; that discretion that American conservatives want .On the other hand liberalism are more “open minded” or we can say “more accepting” of different ideas that give limited freedom.From what i’ve learned in different government classes i understand that liberalism is no longer that empowering “we’re equal” ideology anymore due to the economy and the new democrat party but now it’s more about choosing the “safest” option out of fear just like Althusser explained in his video.


The dividing line between conservative and liberal political ideology is the economic system because liberal ideology depends more on the government while conservative ideology consists of believing that the government only harms the country and low income families will be alright with private charities for funds. conservative political ideology is considered a more “traditional” political ideology because their biggest motive is to converse the most “moral values” by banning abortion to have more nuclear families and keeping religions a priority  .Liberal political ideology is the most common specially for low income families because they believe the government can give them enough help if done properly; liberal ideologist believe that we all deserve equality .


In my understanding Althusser believes that people just consider truthful anything they hear out of fear. Althusser described  that the government “brainwash “ people into thinking they have a choice ;for example with political parties the government make media debates to make people think that they’re against each other.In America there’s no such things as a “second” party if everything behind it it’s the same goal .

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