1. The Repressive State Apparatus refers to institutions and organizations that enforce laws and norms through coercive means. It is deemed repressive because it is what’s happens when you step out of line and do not conform to ideological state apparatuses and their fixated values with the threat of violence or use of force. These include prisons, the courts, the police and lastly the military.  The term repressive signifies that these institutions are more so concerned about suppressing dissent and enforcing order as opposed to just shaping norms and beliefs.

2. Ideological state apparatus is a concept developed by louis Althusser to describe practices and institutions that serve to perpetuate ideology and support the social order. This is done in a form of indoctrination that widely impacts and shapes their behaviors, beliefs and values.  These are usually achieved through either family, mass media, education and political institutions.

3. The Repressive State Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatuses are two distinct concepts that describe different mechanisms through which a state maintains social order and control. Both have jarring differences. The repressive state apparatus maintains social discipline through direct coercion, legal sanctions and usually force through their institutions. Institutions that include courts, prisons, military and the police. While the ideological state apparatus tactics are more persuasive and indirect. Educational systems and family seem to be the genesis of this as you don’t want to disappoint or disrespect your parents so naturally you would adopt their beliefs which at times can seem subtle and non-damaging at first glance. Media is another way to drive a wedge between what you may believe and the norm giving you an idea of what the “ideal citizen’ should look like through their influential prowess.

4. https://youtu.be/xqh0zXSd4vc?si=_3TmxqgBGbBS0LIg ideological state apparatus.

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