Welcome to POL 100! In this first discussion board of our course, let’s introduce ourselves to each other, by doing the following:

  1. Create your introduction by entering text in the comments box below. When you finish writing your introduction, click the “POST COMMENT” button. In your introduction, tell us your name, what is your major (if you have chosen one), as well as a bit about yourself. Things you might consider sharing include: what are you interested in studying at BMCC, what are your plans after BMCC, interests that you have, etc.
  2. After entering your own post, respond to at least one classmate by elaborating on something that they wrote that resonated and connected with you.

41 thoughts on “Discussion Board 1: Class Introductions

  1. Hello, my name is Aniyah. I am a Criminal Justice major at BMCC. I am most interested in studying psychology, psychology is one of the most fascinating social sciences. I love being able to understand how the human brain works, as well as why we behave a certain way depending on our circumstances. My plan after I have graduated will be attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice. As a first-year student at BMCC, I am both excited and anxious to start my freshman year of college.

    1. Hey Aniyah ! Thats so great what you are going for ! we have so much in common already. One of my classes I choose for this semester is actually psychology. I’m very excited for it as well !

    2. Hi Aniyah, I always found it the human brain to be very interesting as well. I took a psychology class previously as well and it was very insightful to see how other people may behave in different situations. I hope that everything goes well for you after you graduate from BMCC.

    3. Hi Aniyah, it’s fantastic that you’re enthusiastic about your major in Criminal Justice and have a keen interest in psychology. Psychology indeed offers incredible insights into human behavior and mental processes, and it’s great that you want to integrate this knowledge with your criminal justice studies. Your plan to attend John Jay College of Criminal Justice sounds like a solid step toward a successful career. It’s natural to feel both excited and anxious as you start your freshman year, but with your passion and clear goals, you’ll likely navigate this new chapter wonderfully. Best of luck with your studies at BMCC and your future endeavors at John Jay!

  2. Hello, my name is Ildri Pengu. I am a Criminal Justice major at BMCC. Im mostly interested in Studying Criminology, Criminology is one of the most fascinating social science, theories, statistical analyzing and research techniques. I love being able to learn how to study crime patterns and creating solutions to prevent factors that could lead to crime. My plan after graduating will be attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. As a first-year student at BMCC, I am very exited to start my journey as a freshman in college.

    1. Hi Ildri! Welcome to the world of Criminal Justice and Criminology! It’s fantastic that you’re passionate about studying crime patterns and developing preventive solutions. Your interest in theories, statistical analysis, and research techniques will be incredibly valuable in your future career. Attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice is a great goal, and it sounds like you’re off to an excellent start at BMCC. Best of luck on your journey and your freshman year in college!

  3. Hello, My name is Jasmaine. I’m a proud mother of two. I currently work for a Foster Care Agency as a Parent Advocate and am pursuing a major in Human Services at BMCC. I have always been passionate about helping others and guiding them towards positive change. The philosophy of “each one teaches one” resonates deeply with me as i firmly believe in the power of teamwork to achieve collective goals. Upon graduation, my goal is to become a social worker with the Catholic Guardian Foster Care Agency. Returning to school has been a fulfilling decision and I am excited to see what my freshman year brings.

    1. Hi Jasmaine! Nice to meet you. It’s great that you want to help others, and your passion for making a difference is clear in your work and studies. The idea of “each one teaches one” philosophy is such a powerful mindset, and I have no doubt that it will serve you in your journey to becoming a social worker. Balancing work, school, and being a mom is tough, but your energy and commitment are impressive. Wishing you all the best in your freshman year – I’m sure you’ll do great things at BMCC!

  4. First of all can someone do a wellness check on blackboard? Joke’s aside, hello class! My name is Juan Carlos Rodriguez, I’m a 20 year old student here at BMCC. It’s a pleasure to meet everyone! Thank you as well professor for making a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this site! I am a criminal justice major on my second year. I plan on joining the crime scene unit in the NYPD. In my free time I enjoy cooking and playing strategy games. Lastly I hope everyone has a productive start to the semester!

  5. Hello everyone ! my name is Evelyn. I am majoring in criminal justice , that has always been a passion of mine growing up and here I am going for goals and crushing it. I am very optimistic about everything in life and we will all do great this semester . I am very goal oriented , love to read mostly true crime books. What I will do after graduation is continue to go for my career in becoming a detective. I am very excited on what we will learn this semester. We got this !

    1. Hey Evelyn, it’s great to see that your excitement for criminal justice and your dedication to your goals. Your positivity and determination are truly inspiring, and it’s awesome that you want to be a detective – such an interesting field. I’m sure your love for true crime books will help you in your studies. Good luck this semester as you work toward your goals. You’ve got this!

    2. Hi Evelyn! As someone who is in the same major with you, I completely understand the love of reading upon true crime and even so watching documentaries. Growing up with learning about law, it crossed my mind a few times to be a detective however, my passion did land within becoming an attorney. I wish you all the best this semester and in your career path.

  6. My name is Kinsey Martyn, I’m a 21 year old student, and I’m in my 4th semester here at BMCC pursuing my major in Economics. I recently switched majors during the duration of summer break from Liberal Arts as it took me a bit to finally realize what I was interested in and was interested in pursuing a career for. Over the course of last semester while taking a Macroeconomics class had it’s concepts stand out to me so I decided to go with this choice. Granted, I am not sure exactly what I would want to do in this field, but it’s something that stands out to me. In terms of hobbies, I enjoy playing Video Games and I’ve been delving into RPGs more recently over the course of the last 6 months with games within the Final Fantasy series. I also have been going to the gym and it has been something that I have been trying to stay consistent with as I’ve been going for almost a year and a half, it’s been enjoyable for me to keep up that schedule and discipline for myself. After completing my studies at BMCC, I hope to transfer to another 4 year college in order to continue my education further and I think that this choice to pursue economics will be interesting to delve further into. I look forward to working with all of you in this class!

  7. Hello my name is Yamile Herrera, I’m majoring in health science. I’ll like to be an ultrasound tech after BMCC. Once I transfer to another college to complete my other 2 years. In my free time I enjoy listening to music, watching movies & coloring. I also enjoy taking pictures of the view outside, mostly sunsets & the moon 🙂

  8. Hello everyone! My name is Regina Welbeck, and I am majoring in Science for Health Professions at BMCC. I am really excited about studying at here because I am learning all the skills that I need to transfer to a four-year college where I will major in Nursing. I have a strong passion for helping others and making a difference in people’s lives. Outside of academics, I enjoy hanging with friends, travelling, reading and sometime going for long walks. I am always looking for ways to improve myself like watching YouTube videos on how to fix my nails or hair among other things. I am looking forward to learning and growing with all of you!

      1. Hey Melissa,

        Wow, that sounds amazing! Three flights in a year – what a fantastic way to explore and experience new places. Jamaica and Costa Rica are both beautiful destinations (hoping to visit those places one day). As for me I would love to travel to Japan to experience the culture and try some of their authentic food.

  9. Hello everyone,

    My name is Melissa R, and my major is Early Child Education. I love to travel, outside nature walks, music, fashion and shopping. My plan after my 2 year would be to look into a 4 year college that’s best for me and my major. I want to open a daycare in the future. I would also love to have a clothing brand.

  10. Hi everyone, my name is Helena. I’m currently majoring in Criminal Justice and am looking forward to becoming an attorney in the future. Once finishing my semesters into BMCC, I’m hoping to finish at John Jay to receive my bachelors and then moving forward to law school. I am planning on going to Georgetown or Boston University. I am currently working at a bank in which I have made great connections with clients who currently are attorneys and have law firms, which give me great aspects into the law field. They’re very helpful in providing support and tips as many of them know I’m currently studying law. Fun fact about me is I love to go to the gym and also love going to concerts. Can’t wait to see what the semester brings. Hope everyone has a good semester! 🙂

    1. Hello Helena! It’s fantastic to hear about your ambitious plans and the path you’re charting for your future. Your background in Criminal Justice will provide a solid foundation for your law studies, and John Jay is an excellent choice for that major. Georgetown and Boston University have stellar law programs that can open many doors for you in the legal field.

      Working at a bank and forming connections with attorneys and law firm clients is a smart move. Networking is a crucial part of the legal profession, and it sounds like you’re already building a supportive community around you – that’s invaluable.

      Going to the gym and attending concerts are great ways to balance the rigorous demands of your studies. Best of luck with the semester, and I’m sure you’ll achieve great things!

  11. Hello, my name is Shaniqua. I am a political science major at BMCC. I am interested in learning the politics aspect of this major. I am intrigued with the system how the government and politicians work hand in hand. I plan to continue my education at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. I am fascinated with learning . As an undergraduate I am anxious because this is a new journey for me . I’m excited to see where it takes me

  12. Hi everyone! My name is Alice Erazo. I’m 24 years old and my major is early childhood education. I unfortunately had to drop this class last semester because I took too many classes at once and was a little overwhelmed. I’m happy to be back and ready to finish off my last few credits before graduating from BMCC! I plan on furthering my education and getting my bachelors in childhood education. Something that I really love to do on my free time is paint and watch movies. Some of my favorite movies are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Good Will Hunting. I also love musicals. I hope everyone has a wonderful semester! (So sorry Professor Artinian, I mistakenly joined the wrong class section!)

  13. Hello, my name is Tiffany Maldonado. My major is Criminal Justice. After BMCC I would like to continue my education at John Jay to pursue a bachelor’s degree. I plan to become a police officer. In my free time, I work and enjoy shopping.

  14. Hello Everyone,

    My names is Marissa Ramos Torres. I am majoring in Human Service. After Bmcc I am hoping to transition into 4 year college and get into a social worker program. I want to become a social worker because I love helping people and I feel like I can definitely try to make a difference in those people in need of social worker services. I am mom to a young boy and we love to eat ice-cream as well as watching marvel movies. I hope everyone have a great semester hope we can make a connection and possibly become friends. Never know if our friendship can be a great professional resource.

  15. My name is Nan Wut Mone. I am majoring in Psychology. I left one semester to complete BMCC and I am planning to join 4 year college to get Bachelor/ Master in Psychology. My aim is to become a licensed therapist and a professional psychologist. I love cooking and listening to music when I have free time. Nice to meet you all.

  16. Hello my name is Kunsang Chodon and I am majoring in childhood education.I am 18 years old and I was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. I am interested in studying ASL in BMCC and I plan to go to a 4 year college to get my bachelors in education after BMCC. I want to be an educator because at a young age I saw how my teachers have greatly impacted me and I also want to be able to give that to others. Some interests I have are playing volleyball, reading, and taking care of my 6 and 8 year old cousins.

  17. Hello, my name is Joanne Khan-Mohammed. I am a first-year student at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), and I am majoring in Criminal Justice. My interest in criminal justice was sparked by a desire to understand the causes of crime and the criminal mind. I am fascinated by the intricacies of criminological theories, conducting statistical analysis, and employing research techniques. The process of understanding crime patterns and brainstorming proactive solutions to prevent potential criminal activities captivates me. I am eagerly anticipating furthering my studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and pursuing a rewarding career in Law Enforcement. As I embark on this exciting journey, I am brimming with enthusiasm and cannot wait to witness the opportunities and experiences ahead.

    1. Hi Joanne, i reallu liked reading your intro, reminded it of me when i first got out of high school. Criminal justice really is a great major and the whole concept of it is just intresting. Good luck in the class and in Bmcc. I too will be going to John Jay college maybe will see each other ther.

  18. Hello, my name is Brian Jaquez. I am majoring in Liberal arts. My reasoning for not selecting a major is because in the future i have plans of joining the NYPD and the requirements are just 60 college credits. Currently I work for Loss Prevention at Marshalls (TJX Companies) which is a big retail company that loses a lot of money from shoplifters. After completing my 60 college credits I will begin the hiring process of joining the NYPD and pursuing my dreams of becoming a detective.

  19. Hello, my name is Cristian and I am criminal justice major. My plan with this major is pursue a career in the NYPD and hopefully make a difference in our community. Police officers in New York City are often portrayed as the bad guys and I want change that image. I am 21 years old and I currently am a Manager at a retail store called BJs Wholesale Club. I enjoy working on my own car by making it look different than others around me. After BMCC I plan to apply to John Jay to pursue my Bachelor’s degree and hopefully work FBI in the future.

  20. Hi my name is Liliana, iam a Psychology major iam in my 3rd semester in Bmcc, I choose this major because I want to help kids, and i would like to be a counseler in a school. How the mind works always intrested me since i was a kid. After BMCC I would like to work in a school, and at the same time go to John Jay. Where i will study political sience with the hopes of workig With the board of Ed, and can make a few changes to the system to better help the kids. My whole intrest and career is focused on the future of this world which is the kids.

  21. Good evening, my name is ShellyAnn Harris. My major is criminology, I am a 29 year old single mother, raising a beautiful intellectual young lady. I love reading and learning new concepts. I used to attend Kings borough community college and decided to transfer to Bmcc, it was one of the greatest decisions I’ve made thus far.

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