• This module contains our first quiz. Please note that you have the entire week to write this quiz.
  • Due date: Sunday, midnight, 3/24/24 (or earlier in the week, if you want).
  • How to submit your quiz: complete the quiz on this page. Click “Submit” when you are finished.
  • GRADING: Your exam will be graded as follows: each question is worth 10 points, 10×10 = 100 points in total.
  • RETURNING YOUR QUIZZES: Your graded quiz will be returned to you via the email address that you enter below.
  • Note: this is an open book and open notes/videos quiz (just like our upcoming first exam at the end of the month). This means, when answering the questions, you can use all of the materials available on our class website.
  • Think of this quiz as preparation for our upcoming first exam.
  • NOTE: The order of questions is randomized on the quiz. Ignore this and just focus on answering the question.

You must log into your BMCC OpenLab account before you can complete this exam.