Daniel Fields – The New Jim Crow

  1. The Southern racist politicians had no choice but to change their rhetoric to “cracking down on crime.” This meant that they would not be violating civil rights laws issues. They wanted to keep their hold on society’s penal system by saying things like “integration causes crime” or “civil rights cause crime” and it all will fall under the threat to “law and order’.
  2. I cannot say for a fact that Southern strategy is influencing American politics, but I can say that some people might be “old Fashioned” in their ways of thinking. It doesn‘t take away the value they hold as people of this country.  A person can go anywhere in this country and feel welcomed or feel out of place. I know that I feel out of place walking down certain streets in the city. When it comes to politics I really think it depends on whose perspective is the popular one. Which doesn’t leave too much room for the minority.

Zeimoni Dansby Discussion Board 2.2

  1. Southern racist politicians framed their defense of racial segregation through “law and order” language to appeal to a broader audience beyond just racists. It allowed them to cloak their discriminatory policies in the guise of maintaining societal order and safety. This choice of words gave them a veneer of legitimacy and appealed to conservative values, enabling them to garner support from those who may not have openly endorsed segregation but were concerned about maintaining social stability. 
  1. Yes, the Southern Strategy still influences American politics today. One example is the use of coded language and policies that target minority communities under the guise of “tough on crime” or “border security.” This strategy resonates with certain segments of the population while disproportionately impacting marginalized groups, perpetuating racial divisions and inequalities in society. 

Sharon Ortiz- Discussion Board 2.2

  1. The choice of framing their defense of racial segregation through the language of “law and order” provided Southern racist politicians with several special advantages by appealing to a broader audience beyond those who held explicitly racist views already. By presenting segregation as a matter of maintaining “law and order”, the politicians could attract the concerns of individuals who valued the preservation of societal norms. This allowed them to hide their discriminatory policies in a seemingly neutral and legit way, making it more reasonable to a wider range of people.
  2. I believe the southern strategy is still influencing American politics to this day because politicians will use these racist views to their advantage. For example when Donald Trump was running for president in 2016 he appealed to a majority of white people due to the similar views to “make America great again” which referred to the deportation of what he and his supporters believe to be “illegal aliens”. Trump is running for president again in 2024 and is still using this tactic to gain over the republican southern states.

Discussion board 2.2

  1. Why do think Southern racist politicians chose to frame their defense of racial segregation through the language of “law and order”? What special advantages was this choice of words going to give them? The reason I think Southern racist politicians chose to frame their defense of racial segregation through the language of “Law and order” is because it shows that they still have power without using racial segregation. The special advantages of this choice of words give them is more power and control over civil rights but exercise law n order so colored people could benefit from anything and just be kept segregated
  2. Do you think the Southern Strategy is still influencing American politics? Give an example supporting your answer. Yes, I think the Southern strategy is still influencing American politics because people would abuse their power to bring down colored people. An example could be the black live matter protest where the police officer “law n order” something we just talk about to stop the protest

Nishat Lina- Discussion Board 2.2

  1. Why do think Southern racist politicians chose to frame their defense of racial segregation through the language of “law and order”? What special advantages was this choice of words going to give them?

Based on Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow,” racist leaders in the South strategically justified racial segregation by using the language of “law and order”. With the use of this tactic, they were able to win over more white voters who might not have been outspoken supporters of segregation but were nevertheless troubled by problems with crime and social trouble. These politicians sought out to win support by framing racial segregation laws as essential to preserving social order and safety by linking it to the requirement for “law and order.” There were several benefits to employing “law and order” rhetoric. It made it possible for politicians in the South to capitalize on preexisting concerns and worries about crime, especially in light of racial integration and civil rights movements. White voters who may not have openly supported segregation were persuaded to do so by the argument that it would preserve social order and avoid an oncoming disaster. 

  1. Do you think the Southern Strategy is still influencing American politics? Give an example supporting your answer.

Regarding the Southern Strategy’s ongoing influence on American politics today, discussion is still ongoing. The Republican Party used a political tactic known as the “Southern Strategy” to win over white voters in the region who were fed up with the Democratic Party’s stance on civil rights. Some argue that aspects of this tactic, notably appealing to racially charged language and themes, continue even if its initial impact may have decreased. Critics, for instance, draw attention to potential carry-ons of the Southern Strategy in areas like voting suppression legislation and tough-on-crime measures that disproportionately affect black populations. In keeping with past practices, these regulations are frequently couched in terms of upholding “law and order” and addressing public safety issues.

Sofia Rammairone. Systematic racism due to old southern strategies

I think southern racist politicians frame their defense of racism  as “law and order” because it gives them a legitimate excuse to be racist. By presenting racism as “necessary” for maintaining societal order, these politicians are justifying institutionalized racism within the framework of the law, which makes it more difficult for people to challenge. While the landscape of American politics has evolved, the old southern strategy still affects American politics today because it set up a systematically racist government with people that are still stuck in old ways of thinking and enforcing law.

Tymani Kizer

The use of lawn order by sudden racist, politicians, helped, defend racial segregation, helping what they felt appear justified and help social stability special advantages that these choice of words was going to get them was not seeming racist or showing that their policies was discriminatory, making their argument look better Opposed to desegregation arguments

I’m not too sure of Southern strategy is still influencing American politics, but I do feel certain tactics are still used, such as setting things that only really affect minorities and making things unfair to voters of color or setting certain laws that are but hiding it under things like law and order

Sabina Jabborova – Discussion board 2.2

  1. Racial politicians in the South purposefully used the rhetoric of “law and order” to justify their support of racial segregation in order to calm the concerns of white voters regarding disorder and social distress. They won over supporters who were afraid of integration and the civil rights movements by arguing that segregation was necessary to preserve peace and security. This framing also gave politicians the opportunity to justify their discriminatory policies by presenting themselves as authorities protecting the law. 
  2. Yes, I think that the Southern Strategy still has an impact on American politics today because of the use of racially coded terminology and policies, especially when it comes to immigration and crime. Authorities create fear about minorities and immigrants while focusing on law and order and border security in order to win over white people.