1. The social class that wrote the constitution was the “Founding Fathers” including George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and James Madison. These people were either landowners or had their own merchants. They got their position to writing the Constitution because of their education status and connections. Native Americans, African decent, women, indented servants, and white men lacking sufficient property were the people excluded from the constitution. The difference between the upper class and the lower class is the upper class had more education and they were only white people. The lower class were people who lacked an education or didn’t have access to it.
  2. I would say the social class structure of early United States society is the same as ours today because of the structure of the justice and police system. You hear a lot of stories on the news about police officers killing innocent people, black minorities, or minorities of color. It is never an equal situation it’s always the system trying to punish people whether it’s for a big crime or something petty and most of the time it usually is.
  3. The people who wrote the constitution were so afraid of democracy because they didn’t want the people to have anything to do with the government. They didn’t want the people to spark their own opinion and possibly know more of the government and take control away from the upper class men.

One thought on “DB 6.1

  1. Hello Kayla!
    I agree with your arguments and I enjoy the way you present them. In your second question you stated that our system is pretty much the same as it was before, I totally agree, especially when it comes to the treatment the minorities receive, always excluded from the decision-making process.

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