1. Faction reminds me of a lower-class group of individuals. Most of the population can’t afford to not work. They were never born with the opportunity or funds to have their own property or acres. To eat and feed themselves and their family, they had to go through life trading their labor power for pay.

2. During those times, you weren’t really allowed to vote if you didn’t have your own property. People with property were able to collect most of the income because they also purchased the means of production, and the products being made had to still be sold using the company’s brand. So, in return, the women and children who did trade their labor power received compensation of whatever the owner of the company felt generous enough to pay.

3. I don’t agree at all. I feel it was just made to keep the rich richer and keep the lower class always in need, for whenever the people in the upper class needed their services, they would comply due to them needing compensation, which is extremely unfair.

4. The first objective of the government is to keep creating businesses or business plans that keep the rich able to increase their fortunes and the lower class powerless to stop it but still oblivious to what is going on from the government within the economy.

5. I’m not surprised. The government has always been a social group that relies on and runs off money, and they never wanted society to see them in that light. The only difference now is that the government is looking out for all individuals of the same skin color as them, which is white, and has made people of color their new main target. The government now supports white people with every resource to their advantage and subjects people of color to discrimination and mass incarceration.

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