1. The primary difference in the role of citizens in the federal government is that they have authority when it comes to the central and state government. They help elect the president and congress, which plays a part in handling national matters. The urinary system makes decision within the central government without citizens as well as the confederation makes decisions with the state government also without the citizens.

2. I understand that the division of power is something that separates the authority between governments which make them co depend on each other in a way. In order to make a decision they need each other to help make and finalize the laws. Its not one group that makes the decisions.

3. The federal government helped shaped the actions of state and local governments during covid 19 in Ny state by providing us with 335 billion in funds to different agencies in response to the pandemic, they helped protect health workers, essential health services, gave out free testers and provided treatments. They also helped finance a broad range of services including education, social services, public safety and infrastructure.

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