7 thoughts on “Plato

  1. Since not everyone believes in the same things. Would each individual have their own truths? Because not everyone can agree on most of the same things, but what would make someone’s truth more true than anyone else?

    1. Can anyone ever figure out who they are and what they are meant to be? How would they even know that that is their true self? Because we are always changing and growing. In a sense we are never the same as yesterday. So considering that, would the quest to find oneself be somewhat futile?

  2. Is it good to be self-centered? All humans are… and sometimes not for good reasons. We all want to be ahead of everyone and everything because we are dominate creatures. At the same time, being self-centered to ‘focus on yourself’ has probably been said to you at least once in your life, so do you think it is good be self-centered all the time?

  3. Are Truth and Justice related closely to each other? Example, If I say Truth is objective does this mean that justice HAS to be absolute and cannot be relative? I feel as though Truth is objective and Justice is relative. Is this faulty logic because one cannot differ from the other in these aspects?

  4. Can we ever be certain of anything? We experience the world through our senses, so how can we trust that what we are seeing, hearing, smelling, sensing, is true? I ask this with the thought in mind that truth is objective.

  5. According to Socrates, we can not be impartial judges of life because we are a part of life. To be impartial judges we must be outside of life but the dead do not judge. If this is the case who or what did Socrates believe can be a judge of life?

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