A growing collection of oral histories collected by BMCC students

Woodarmstrong Pierre (Haiti) – interview by Raidelys López

Woodarmstrong Pierre

Woodarmstrong Pierre who is currently a student at BMCC majoring in science to be a future dentist. He was born in Port au Prince, Haiti on June 24th, 1997. He came to the US when he was 14 years old and has never gone back. He currently lives in Brooklyn. Woodarmstrong was left in Haiti with his siblings, while his parents obtained a visa and never went back to Haiti. They later were able to get a visa for him and he came living his sisters behind. His parents made sure to later after him bring his sisters, his parents for better opportunities and for economic stability. He came a year after the historic hurricane with a magnitude of 7.0, was followed by two aftershocks of magnitudes 5.9 and 5.5, with a 300,000 estimate of deaths. This earthquake left millions of people without homes, with no clean water and foodless. He was in school when it occurred, he was scared because he didn’t know what was happening. Woodarmstrong is in his final semester at BMCC and will be transferring in the fall to City Tech.

Listen to Raidelys’ interview with Woodpierre.

Click here for the full transcript of Raidelys’ interview with Woodpierre.

“I miss alot i miss my best friend we grew up together i met him when i was what i met him right after my mom left Haiti, so me and him were going to together i met him when i was six and i leave him when i was 14. Thats still my man i miss him, i miss my family, i miss my culture, i miss everything, i miss everything that’s there, that’s what i don’t have here which is a lot.”

Woodpierre reflecting on what he misses about his home country.

Flag of Haiti

Woodpierre as he looks today

I chose my friend Reech because I wanted to know more about his culture since its a culture I’ve never really looked into. Me and him are really good friends and I’m really interested in knowing if Haiti and the Dominican Republic are different, or do they just share the same island? So I chose him as my candidate.

Raidelys reflecting on her interview with Woodarmstrong.

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