Physicist. Scientific direction: Computational Physics. PhD. in Physics and Math sciences. Taught: Physics; Algorithmic Languages & Programming (C++); Astronomy, etc.
Community Members
As a firm believer in, and long-time user of, OER/ZTC materials in all of my PSY courses (100- Intro, 200- Social, 265- Research), I am looking forward to sharing and discussing pedagogical ideas to further develop my knowledge base. In terms of winter, I’m just looking forward to getting through […]
Hi! I joined BMCC’s Department of Ethnic and Race Studies in 2016. I began my OER journey with a workshop on using OER materials and creating Zero Cost Textbook courses, and it changed my approach to teaching. I am interested in incorporating different tactile modes of engagement into my classroom […]
I have been teaching for long time now but my main philosophy is still best explained by a Heraclitus quote — “Character is destiny.” I believe that beyond creating the safe teaching environment and relevant teaching materials, deep engagement with the student is key to learning and shaping students’ character […]
Hey everyone, I am Bill and I am interested in expanding my ability to run classes without relying on the students purchasing textbooks. I already do this to some extent, but I think I could achieve it in a more thoughtful manner. I most recently finished reading the excellent sci-fi […]
I am interested in finding OER materials to enhance the curriculum. I am looking forward to getting ice skates for my wife. I am currently Inequalities in the Early Years reading by Johnson and Pratt-Johnson.
I already use free, open-source material to teach. But I’d like to learn more from those who’ve been doing it longer than I have. I’ve been reading The Peripheral by William Gibson, a sci-fi writer and seeing Endeavour (based on Colin Dexter’s Inspector Morse series), besides a variety of textbooks […]
Hi everyone! I have a multidisciplinary background, including an MFA in visual arts and an MA in American Studies, and my practice spans between research, writing, and creative production. I have been teaching American Government at BMCC since 2017, as well as have taught at Lehman College and Bronx Community […]
Hi all! I’m Cecilia, I’m finishing my PhD in anthro at the Grad Center. I teach at CCNY, and this is my 3rd semester at BMCC. I’m mostly interested in learning better strategies to teach writing in a way that is welcoming to students.
Hello all! My name is Joshua Belknap, and I am the ESL Lab Coordinator at BMCC, and I am also an English Adjunct Lecturer at City Tech. I am interested in OER for several reasons. With the help of the wonderful OpenLab folks at BMCC, I’ve been creating an OpenLab […]