Gina Cherry

18 posts
I’m the director of CETLS and co-lead BMCC’s open education program with jean amaral. I strive to create spaces that bring faculty together to learn from one another.

David Caicedo

As a firm believer in, and long-time user of, OER/ZTC materials in all of my PSY courses (100- Intro, 200- Social, 265- Research), I am looking forward to sharing and discussing pedagogical ideas to further develop my knowledge base. In terms of winter, I’m just looking forward to getting through […]

Stefanos Milkidis

Hi everyone! I have a multidisciplinary background, including an MFA in visual arts and an MA in American Studies, and my practice spans between research, writing, and creative production. I have been teaching American Government at BMCC since 2017, as well as have taught at Lehman College and Bronx Community […]

Cecilia Salvi

Hi all! I’m Cecilia, I’m finishing my PhD in anthro at the Grad Center. I teach at CCNY, and this is my 3rd semester at BMCC. I’m mostly interested in learning better strategies to teach writing in a way that is welcoming to students.

Eliot Chayt

Hello, everyone. I’m a new Lecturer in Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts. I’ve used zero or low-cost texts since I began teaching, and I’m interested in actively embracing and spreading more copyleft practices. I’m excited to discuss strategies for teaching SPE 100 with my dept. colleagues and to enter into […]

Marian Stewart Titus

Hello Everybody. I’m an Adjunct Assistant Professor in BMCC’s English Department, which I joined  in 2016, and I also taught in BCC’s English Department form 2009 to 2020. I teach freshman composition, so I meet many students who are entering college for the first time, either coming from high school, […]

Lori Kee

Hi Lori Kee- here! Associate Prof. in Speech Communications and Theatre  — I am interested in making learning more diverse and up to date and I think incorporating OER not my course(s) could be one new way! Also the fellowship is just great – I have missed it.  Just finished […]

Francisco J. Aldape

Hello! My name is Francisco J. Aldape, and I’m an adjunct at BMCC teaching economics since 2020. Given the recent world events and turbulent changes in academia, I’ve been trying to learn and adapt new teaching methods to help increase student engagement in class, in addition to learning more about […]

Craig Hutchison

I am an Adjunct Professor in the Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts Department.  I have taught in Kentucky, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Missouri, and New York.  This is my twentieth year at BMCC.  In addition to teaching Speech and Theatre, I also serve on the Board of Directors for the Theatre […]

Hollis Glaser

Hi everyone;  I’m glad to be part of this seminar. I’ve used Open Lab but haven’t opened up my course to the entire world and want to figure out how to make more meaningful assignments.  I’m spending too much time on peak TV these days (Reservation Dogs was my favorite) […]

Alex Ho

I’m interested in this faculty learning community because I want to more effectively implement the ideals of open pedagogy in my classes. I hope to have assignments that might be invigorated by the possibilities of publishing and archiving open educational resources. I hope to incorporate tools for helping to make […]