Kathleen Molina

7 posts

Kathleen Molina Workshop II


#ProcessedFoods #FitFoodieFinds @FitFoodieFinds #healthline @healthline #fitfabfun @fabfitfun – there are many processed food and sugar out there such as fries, pizza, ice cream, and even your child’s chicken nuggets but the focus of this post is something we’ve all had a guilty pleasure of consuming, even just once in our lives, soda! It is delicious, crisp, and refreshing but it is also linked to obesity, heart problems, and even stroke. Educating yourself on the risk and benefits of the food you are consuming daily and making a conscious effort to change bad habits into good ones can lead to a healthier life, mentally and physically. #NoMoreSoda #CleanEating

Kathleen Molina – Group Forming

  • When are you available to meet outside of class? Every day. I am easy to contact via phone/text and have very flexible hours. Email: katt7240@gmail.com or 646-784-6199.
  • Which skills can you bring to the team? Organization, communication, worked with InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, have some knowledge of programming/coding as well.
  • Are you comfortable leading or have you led a group team like this before? Yes, I am. If my team is cooperative and we’re after the same goal(s) I can help navigate and get projects done. Even if that means one person slacks which I hope no one does.
  • What is your major? Multimedia Programming and Design
  • What are your career goals? Having a successful and fulfilling career in the gaming industry as a designer, programmer, doesn’t matter honestly, I just want to be in that environment.
  • What grade are you seeking to get on this project? Nothing but As for me.
  • Are you the kind of person who works through the semester steadily or seeks to complete everything right before the assessment is due? I like to work on projects, assignments, etc. as efficiently and promptly as possible. I do not like waiting last minute to get something done but I have had experiences where life really tests you but as long as it is done and done correctly, I’ll be content.  
  • What social cause are you interested in? This could be a general subject (i.e: the environment) or a more specific topic (i.e: Cleaning up the Gowanus canal). The many economic and political issues the island of Puerto Rico faces day-to-day. I took Puerto Rican studies last semester and got a huge dose of the reality of what has been going on with everyone and their ancestors for the last 500 years (not an exaggeration) and yes, I am Puerto Rican, so it started to feel like a responsibility to educate and learn on what is happening and spreading the information. My family still lives on the island but never complains so I assumed everything was okay. It’s truly not.